Nineteen ♚

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|| HYEWON ||

"Cameron, if you see anything violent, I want you to cover your eyes. Okay?"

"Okay, I guess..." He says hesitantly as I pat the top of his head. With that I leave him behind, walking to the back of the school with Soobin and Yeji beside me.

"You look nervous, Hyewon." Yeji points out. She was right, I was. I had never been in a fight, let alone even argue with someone. This would definitely be a first for me, and I have no idea how it's going to play out.

In fifth grade was when Hanjin had her first physical fight. It was with Ji Yena, and boy was it gruesome. Apparently, Yena was talking trash about Hanjin and she didn't like that. She proceeded to reveal to the whole school that Yena's parents were getting a divorce because her mom was having an affair. The two of them argued on the playground and threw punches at each other until a teacher pulled them apart.

I never saw Yena at school again after that day. That was when I first learned how demonical Hanjin could be if she really wanted to.

"Can you blame me?" I chuckle at myself. "These middle schoolers are scary. They'll probably beat me with a bat before I can even repeat my own name out loud!"

Soobin rolls his eyes as we walk closer to the group. "We're just going to talk. No fighting... Unless they hit us first." He says while we start to see the faces of the students clearer. There were about five of them, two girls and three boys.

"Wait!" I stop them with my hands. I take out my phone and snap a couple of pictures of the scene in front of us. The guys were spray-painting something onto the school building as the two girls commentating from the side, smoking cigarettes while doing so.

I put my phone back in my pocket. "Wow, I never even thought to do that," Soobin says in awe. When you live with a family like mine, evidence is crucial if you want even one person to believe you.

We continue walking closer until one of them noticed us. "What do you want?" One of the girl's spats, eyeing us up and down. The guys put down their spray paint and also turn to us, throwing away their cigarettes and empty bottles of alcohol.

I steal a glance at Soobin and Yeji and see both of their faces as cold as stone. Wow, they really pull off this intimidating thing quite well. I wish I had a resting bitch face, then maybe people would take me seriously.

"Hey, you delinquents," Soobin says. "Stay away from the elementary school students."

A guy with a buzzed haircut and an eyebrow split scoffs, throwing his spray paint on the ground. He places his hands in his pockets. "Why should we listen to you? We don't know you losers." He says, making the rest laugh.

"Well, I'll teach you who I am-" Yeji starts, walking towards them with her fist ready to punch but gets pulled back by Soobin when he grabs her by her sleeve. "You're middle schoolers. Pick on someone your own size."

They laugh again, completely ignoring Soobin's words. "Wow, how touching. I think I'm going to cry. Listen, go back to whatever other school you came from and leave us alone." A girl pretends to sob.

"The kids fucking deserve it, anyways. Their little baby faces bother me." One of the kids says to another. That bothered me to the core. I take a deep breath before finding the courage to speak up.

"Y-You fucking dirtbags. Leave my brother and his friends alone before we beat some sense into you." I stutter, trying to look tough. But they looked unimpressed. No, wait. They look like they just accepted my challenge, fuck.

One of the girls walks up to me, towering a few inches over me. Shoot, when did middle schoolers become so tall?! Anyways, she smiles at me before I see her left hand slowly rising up.

Her hand ascends to the sky, about two seconds away from slapping me. I was going to dodge, but then I thought of a plan. A perfect plan. So I let her slap me, making my head jerk to the side. I felt her handprint sting on my cheek.

I turn back to her, licking my lips. "Good, now we have an excuse to hit you guys back." Something that I've learned over the years I've been watching Hanjin fight people is that you always want the person you're fighting to be on the ground. That's when they're the most vulnerable.

So I kicked her knee as hard as I could. And as predicted, she screeched before hitting the ground. The rest of the middle schoolers start yelling back as I kick her again in the leg as hard as I could.

A guy attempts to get me off of her, but Soobin pushes him away and punches him in the face, causing him to fall on the floor. A brawl breaks out between us as we all end up fighting each other.

The girl I fought was trying her best to attack me, but mostly she was (poorly) defending herself from my punches. I stop for a second, taking in her bloody nose and cries roaming down her cheek.

On her uniform, it said the name 'RACHEL KWON'. That was one of the girls Cameron said was the worst among all of them. And if beating her up wasn't enough, I obviously wasn't satisfied with that.

I take out my backpack, pulling out a pair of silky scissors. Her eyes widen even more as she sees me take them out. "No, please! I'll do anything! Just not my hair, I got it done yesterday! I-I have picture day next week!" She sobs for forgivness.

I push her away from my legs, trapping her as I pull a large strand of her silky black hair. "Your hair can always grow back. Besides, considering your actions, you deserve this. You bullied little kids into depression, you can deal with no hair for a while."

I ignore her pleads as I chop of the first strand, leaving it short at her ears. I do the same with the rest of her hair, leaving it all in choppy and uneven lengths. I pull away from her, pushing off the extra hair off my skirt.

Wow, I actually did that. I mean, at first, I was just expecting myself to stand on the sidelines and watch Soobin and Yeji do everything. But I actually did something... Bad, for once. And I don't even feel guilty about it.

"Hey, what is going on here?" A voice calls out sternly. I turn around and see not one, but two foreign teachers standing there. It felt like time had stopped. Soobin and Yeji stopped hitting the kids as we all just stood there. My eyes trail down to the teacher's side, where a little boy I knew far too well was standing. It was Cameron.

Fuck, we really did mess up this time, huh?

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