Thirty ♚

702 36 45

|| SOOBIN ||

"We couldn't find her body. We've searched the entire river."

My eyes were heavily shut as I felt my heart drop to the bottom of my chest. Hyewon's mother lets out a small weep before letting the waterfalls escape from her pupils, collapsing onto the floor.

"...Then what? It's been almost a month since the incident. Shouldn't we host a funeral?" Cynthia says in a quiet voice, opposite to the one she had previous to Hyewon's death. It confused me how people could change so quickly when faced with such sad settings.

I still couldn't believe it. Last time I saw Hyewon she was so happy. we had just started our fresh relationship, why would she ever kill herself? Her mother and sisters said she was depressed, which I find hard to believe. Maybe I didn't know her as well as I thought.

"We should. Her body will never be found at this point." Hanjin says. Soobin glances over at the girl. When the news first came out, Hanjin took a week off of school just to mourn. But right after that, it seemed like she was quick to want to end the investigation.

"It really depends on the family. If you guys want to end the investigation, you can. Just let us know." The detectives say to us. "Oh, we definitely want to end it!" Hanjin says, far too jolly.

I send her a dirty look which she most definitely sees. "I-I mean... It's sad, but we should end it. We should let my dear sister rest in peace. Right Soobin?" She places a hand on my shoulder, trying to meet my eyes.

A bitter scoff leaves my mouth as I throw her hand off of me. "Don't try to touch me, you snake. You never even liked Hyewon, you're probably trying to end this quickly because you hate when the attention is finally on her!" I snap at her face.

Hanjin looked stunned, along with her mother and Cynthia. Hanjin is quick to jump to her feet. "T-That's not true! She's my sister, of course, I want her to be alive. But she's dead, what am I supposed to do about that?! She was the selfish one in the family, so stop trying to defend her... She wasn't the angel you thought she was."

"You're not an angel, either. In fact, she's far much better than you in every aspect. Chances are you probably threw her off the bridge because you were jealous. Don't talk to me ever again, Hanjin. You disgust me to the core." I spat in her face for the final time before storming out of the police station, stomping angrily through the streets and toward my house.

Maybe the outburst against Hanjin wasn't necessary. Maybe it really wasn't her fault Hyewon was gone forever. But something in my gut was telling me something was off...

...And I trust my gut more than I'll ever trust Hanjin's words.



The day of the funeral arrived, and everything was solemn.

The majority of the neighbourhood and her school came by since the Ahn family was rich and a lot of people wanted to be close to them. Everything was a blur to Soobin. He couldn't even remember the moment the funeral started.

Maybe it was because he missed her. Everything felt surreal. Just when he got the girl of his dreams, she decides to jump off a bridge. All the bones and nerves in Soobin's body were aching in pain at the thought.

"Now, we would have Hyewon's twin sister, Hanjin, step up to start her speech." The pastor says at the front of the room. Hanjin gets up, walking properly in her black dress that reached the floor was and covered in sequins. She grabs the mic quickly as if she was longing for the second the funeral could revolve around her.

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