Twenty-Nine ♚

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Nothing good ever lasts. And that's definitely true in this case.

Fast forward a few minutes before, where Hanjin watches the love of her life approach her at the ball. She quickly fixes her hair, making sure she looked perfect for him. "Hi, Soobin." She says seductively, hoping that he would be checking her out in her scandalous red dress that she wore just for him.

But his face was angry, furrowed, and it scared Hanjin to know that he wasn't smiling like his usual self. Her face softens. "What's wrong, baby?" She places a hand on his shoulder, but he coldly shrugs it off.

"Where's your sister?"

Hanjin was taken aback. The last person she wanted to talk about was that traitor Hyewon. "She's at home." Hanjin looks to the side, secretly biting her cheek to not show how irritated she was.

"Let me guess, you forced her to stay home?" Soobin deadpans. Hanjin's stomach turns as she looks up at the boy in the mask. The people around them were dancing, laughing, and overall having a good time. But they weren't. They looked like black sheep in a crowd of cows.

"I-I don't know how you jumped to that conclusion." Hanjin curses in her head. What lies did Hyewon feed him? I never forced her to stay at the house, she chose that. She thinks to herself.

"And I don't know why you would ever think you could try and deceive me. I know you weren't the girl I met at the party." Soobin pokes into her chest as her stomach turns. Her mouth becomes dry as the saliva starts to evaporate into the air. She tried to defend herself, but no clear words left her lips.

"You're a fucking liar and an egocentric brat that only cares for herself. Don't come near me again or I'll make you regret it." Soobin threatens her. In the corner of her eye, she sees a girl in the middle of the dance floor, wearing the most gorgeous dress she had ever seen.

Hanjin felt competition inside of her. Even if the love of her life was berating her right now, she couldn't take her eyes off the sparkly dress. Pretty girls were always a threat. And then she saw the girl's eyes through the mask, and she felt even more shocked.

It was Hyewon.

Something erupted in Hanjin's stomach as she panics and does the first thing that came to her mind. Which was quickly pull Soobin down to her level and slowly place her lips onto his. She opens her eyes, and see's Hyewon's eyes on Hanjin's and Soobin's.

Victory. That's what Hanjin felt. Even if her soulmate didn't love her, she still felt glorious to know that Hyewon was watching the two kiss. Hanjin knows this win is unrighteous, but she didn't care. She didn't mind stabbing people in the back to get what she wants, and she didn't mind getting her hands dirty if that means she remains on top.

Soobin quickly realizes what's happening and pushes Hanjin off of him, making her slip back onto the food table. She collapses along with a bowl of punch, staining her dress as she leaves a heartwrenching scream out at the pain that was exploding inside of her.

She watches helplessly as Soobin runs off after her sister. No. She thinks to herself, her eyes watering. It can't end like this. She helps herself up and chases after Soobin, ignoring the weird looks she was getting.

She runs onto the street of her neighbourhood, her eyes searching frantically for the duo. She sees the two standing a few feet away from her, which makes her leave a sigh of relief.

But then it happens.

He places his lips onto hers, and Hanjin's world crumbles into pieces.

And some parts of Hanjin were telling her to give it up. As if there was an angel on her shoulder advising her to move on. He's just a boy, there's plenty of fish in the sea! Let them have their happy ending, and you'll soon get yours as well, or else karma will get to you.

But another voice speaks in her head. Look at that ungrateful slut. Kissing your boyfriend shamelessly. You need to let her know that Soobin is yours, and only yours. Are you really going to let her win him over without putting up a fight?

Hanjin wasn't torn between her two options. Because if a person is evil, then they are evil. You can't change a person's true intentions. A devilish smile creeps onto her face. "I'm Ahn Hanjin, and I won't let anyone beat me." She tells herself.

So she walked away that night to her home, not weeping her eyes out like most expected, but a smirk on her face the entire day until she fell asleep.

It's what I said before... She didn't mind getting her hands dirty if that means she remains on top.


Hyewon leans herself against the rail of the bridge, watching the waves of the river wash by with a smile on her face.

She was happy, and she was proud. Even if it was only the early stages of their relationship, Hyewon knew that she likes Soobin much more than anyone could ever express in words. She never wanted this moment to end. And the feelings of a fresh, young couple? It left her grinning all the way until she fell asleep.

"Well, well. Look what the cat dragged in." Hyewon turns around and see's Hanjin, her face not calm, or soft like usual. She was angered. Hyewon was tempted to correct her sister because technically the cat dragged her in, but she decided not to.

Behind Hanjin were Cynthia and mom, both watching quietly from the sidelines. "Is there a reason why you're here?" Hyewon asks, tilting her head.

"Yeah, I'm here to confront you about stealing my boyfriend." Hanjin scoffs. "That should be obvious."

Hyewon silently nods her head. "He was never your boyfriend. But maybe he could have been if you didn't lie to him from the start." She says nonchalantly.

"Don't fucking talk to me like that, you whore. You're so selfish." Hanjin spats, walking closer and closer to her. She didn't have much of a plan besides confronting her, only doing actions as she spoke.

Hyewon stays silent. Maybe for once, Hanjin was actually being right. "Yeah, what I did was selfish. But there's nothing wrong with that. There's nothing wrong with looking out for only yourself, Hanjin. I've been your shadow ever since I was young and you've been getting everything you ever wanted with just the snap of a finger. I'm allowed to be happy this one time. I think I've earned it."

"Happy? You don't deserve shit. My life is fucking ruined because of you. Soobin was supposed to be mine!" Hanjin shouts at her sister, her teeth gritting. Why is she so calm? She should be afraid of me.

Hyewon scoffs, looking to meet her sister's cold glare. "Are you even listening to yourself? You're insane, so leave me alone. I'd rather die than see you again." She says, not stuttering once. Hanjin knew that she wasn't joking.

"Then let's just kill you!" Before Hyewon could react, Hanjin had already lunged onto her, pressing her back against the railing of the bridge. Hyewon's eyes panic as she tries her best to break free from her sister's grip and they both thrust around.

"You took everyone from me! So just fucking drown so I can have Soobin again!" Hanjin shouts as she grips onto Hyewon's hair, slowly lifting her up in an attempt to get her into the deep water below.

Hyewon was dangling on by only a thread, her hips already outside the ledge. Her watery eyes meet Hanjin's, her lips quivering. Maybe in an alternate universe, Hanjin would've stopped herself from doing something she would regret. The two twins would grow up to be best friends like they were destined to, spending the last minutes of their lives right next to each other in a fantasy like story.

But that wasn't the case.

Hanjin pushes her sister one more time before Hyewon was completely out of her grip, falling headfirst into the river below her before disappearing into the depths of the aqua water for good.

So on the darkest hour of that gloomy night, it was declared that Hyewon was dead.

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