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"Quickly, everyone take your positions." I ordered. I was on the top of the tree with Levi as I watch carefully Armin that the role as a bait I given him an order to ambush the military police, who were Hitch and Marlo.He act like he is getting water from the stream

i turn my head to look at the other tree, across, my eyes locked to Levi who was looking down. When I looked what he was looking at me and I spotted two Military Police approaching,pointed their guns towards Armin.

"Don't move." Marlo order with Hitch. "Slowly turn this way."

Armin raised his hand surrender and did as told.

"You must be a scout." He says to him. "Just like that...not a word." He added.He pointed his gun a little too close on Armin. I pulled out my blades, giving Levi five seconds countdown. "Now listen to me and do as i-"

At the same time both Levi and I jumped out from the tree I headed to Hitch and he headed to Marlo.

With both of my blades on their necks and both their arms pinned to their backs. Hitch groaned at the pain I was causing.

"Hand over the guns to him." I ordered them.

Armin approached infront and grabbed their guns. "And not a word right?" He says a holding both the guns. Sasha and Connie come down, Tying up them and stripped their uniforms, discovering their identity. I walked over to Levi who was in a deep thought, I stood next to him and he look up at me. "Think of anything?" I ask. Well I knew what he's thinking right now.

He look down and foward the uniforms on the floor. "Disguise as Military Police to get by the guards, Then figure out where Eren was taken by snooping around. to think that we,ve don't have any better option..." He sigh out, he must be tired with all this shit. "We just don't have time...We've got no choice but to do or die."

"I'm sure we can save them. Don't you remember that I told you that I knew everything in the storyline."

"Right...I completely forgot. I'm just tired of this shit and everything."

"Captain, Stella." Mikasa handed both of us and Levi papers from the two Military Police. I took it and began to read hers. Both Levi and I now circling the two of their knees.

"Its really you guys..." The Marlo says to both of us. "Captain Levi and Commander Erwin's daughter, Estella Smith..." He almost in awe.

"Now then.." Levi ignored his comment reading the documents a loud. "Stohess District Military Police.Private Marlo Freudenberg.

i strated reading Hitch's document. " Same assingment,Private Hitch Dreyse."

"As for how we'll dispose of you two.."

"Because of you guys..." Hitch began to speak, her eyes wide and her voice is shaking in fear. "Over hundreds people from our district were killed!"

"Haah?" Levi stops, placing his blade on his shoulder."

"Hey! Hitch watch it." Marlo warned her but she ignored him.

"You all think your'e such a great heroes of justice but the victims and their families that day were all dropped in hell!"

"Yeah,I know ." Levi answered with his no emotion looks as always.

His lack of emotion makes her triggered and she looked around,frowning at of us. "You there! Estella Smith!" She yells at me,causing me to flinch a little. "You from the Southern Corps right? Just like Annie Leonheart. Were you friends with her?" I stayed quiet. "No...probably not, there was no way she had any friends.Being gloomy and aloof as she was .She's like a kid who was afraid other people...I never got a chance to get know about her.And the reason that their haven't found her because she was pulverized by those stupid titan!!!" The last part she scream at my husband than me.

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