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4 yrs later

Time flies fast and the twins were 4 years old Cedric was like a mini version of Levi, he has the same eye colour as me, hair type and eyes type as Levi. The way he talks and the emotionless expression but opposite with Liliana. her eyes, and her personality were same as me except her hair same as Levi.

Today, I introduce a new parenting method to my children.

"Kids!" I say as clap my hands gaining their attention.

"Today, we will play a new game that mommy create~!" I inform them

"A game?! What kind of game we're gonna play mommy?" Liliana ask in excitement

"Taa daa~!" I showed them and giving a paper filled with empty circle

"Taa daa~!" I showed them and giving a paper filled with empty circle

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"Wow! What is this? So pretty!" Liliana says

"Yes! What is this pretty?" Cedric nodded in agreement.

"The game that we're going to play is called a 'good child ticket'! " I exclaim

"In the future, you guys will do good deeds. So listen carefully to mommy. I will give you a stamp one by one." I explained

"Why should I collect it?" Cedric ask

I crotch down and answer his question. "When you collect all the stamps, mommy will grant you a wish."

"Wish?" Both the twins say in unison

"Is mommy will granting wishes? All?" Liliana's eyes are sparkle as she ask.

Kyaa~my daughter is soo cute~♡

I smile "Yes! my dear, if it's something mommy can do."

"Really? We love it! mommy, Thank you!" Both the twins says as hugged me.

"Your'e welcome my babies~♡"

"But there's some rules if you want a stamp. Both of you must not cheating or competing, you two must sincere help or doing good deeds." I explained to them.

" Understand kids?"

"Yes, mom/mommy!

Good children ticket

What is needed of course is a reward when eliciting a specific behaviour in children. These reward will be divided into 2 main categories:
External rewards refer to sweets or pocket money, interistic rewards refer to child's sense of achievement and satisfaction

The good children's ticket suspend external reward of granting wishes. The satisfaction of collecting stamps itself is an interistic reward for children.

𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮|𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐀𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now