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A few months later

A few months have already passed by so quickly, and for some reason, it felt different. I mean, I did feel the urge to eat more food as usually, and I also think it's strange that the babies kept kicking. After that day I announced that I'm pregnant,  my pregnancy is obvious. My belly is growing; Levi is beside himself with excitement — and the thought of starting a family with me makes him giddy with happiness.

Levi is right by my side the whole time, and the two of us are in a state of utter happiness. Levi has always been eager to be a father, and the joy of having a child with me fills him with unbridled joy. All that remains is to meet our child.

Now, my belly became bigger, the doctor said that we will be expecting twins. Levi and  I was so happy .I was at the office lying on the bed while Levi was doing his paper works and I gasped as I shot up out of the bed  from the sudden pain that ran through my entire body, I took a deep breath as I could feel  the coming  and going in waves. I stroked my massively bloated belly, feeling the pain return. I wiped his forehead  and was slightly shocked that my water broke.

"L-Levi!!" I yelled his name and he immediately burst the door open. "Honey, what happen?!!"

"M-My water broke!" I panted 

"IT'S TIME?!!" 

"I'll go find Hange and the midwife just stay put." He said as rushed out from his office. A few minutes later, Hange came by my side.


Moments later, Levi  and two midwives  entered at Levi's office with a plenty of surprise

"Honey! The midwife is here!!" Levi informed us.

"Stella, make sure you squeeze Levi's hand  when it hurts, he can take the pain." Hange said as she looked over at Levi who scowled in responds.

   "ARGH!!" As the contractions worsened, I screamed.

"Mrs. Ackerman, try your best to breathe. It's alright; before you know it, it will be over." I was being comforted by a midwife.

After taking a big breath, Levi strolled over to my side and tried his best to boost me.

"Baby, you've got this. I have faith in you." He provided me his encouraging words. I yelled out in agony from another contraction, and I turned to face him with a frightened but excited smile.

the labor took 10 hours 

After what seemed like forever, two adorable  baby twins with black hair were born.their cries echoed throughout the room.

"You did great, Love." Levi said as he stroke my head. "I'm so proud of you... my hand sure as hell took a beating though." Levi said as he cradled his hand.

"S-sorry babe." I said  as I looked  at the redness and scratched marks that were imprinted on Levi's hand. Levi stroked my cheek as I lay on the bed . "Don't apologise. You're amazing.

I looked at Levi with love tears clouded on my eyes. I couldn't  tell if  it was  from my exhaustion... either way,  I knew that I love him.

The babies cries subsided  to a soft coo in the background. "Here they are , all done  with their first check up!"  A nurse  approached us. "Would you like to hold them?" she asked as she carried  a small pink blanket. Another nurse  behind her  held a smaller blue blanket.

Levi and I looked at each other and smiled.

"We loved to." I beamed. My golden blonde hair  was messy. The nurse  gently handed Levi the pink blanket. Levi akwardly  accepted  the bundle of tiny human that rested on his arms . His heart immediately grew with love.

The other nurse gently handed me the blue blanket. 

"Wow!" Eren exclaimed . "Those Ackerman genes must be strong! Look at these black-haired

"Well?" Sasha butt in, "What are you going to name them?"

Levi looked and smiled at me. "You did all the hard work. You can gives their name whatever that had in your mind."

I looked at my son as he started to wriggle in my arms. "Your name,little one, will be Cedric Jay Ackerman."

"AWWW!"  Hange squealed in excitement.

"Now, what about Levi's little princess? Hange  said impatiently.

"Her name will be Liliana Blaire Ackerman."

"Liliana...That's a beautiful name." Levi says

Hange cried interrupted our heartfelt moment."They're so beautiful! Cedric and Liliana! Aunt Hange will love you so much!"

"Oi, Shut it Four eyes. You'll make wake them!" Levi scolded.

Liliana suddenly cried in Levi's arms, causing everyone caught to turn attention to her suddenly

 " Agh..." Levi groaned  as he tried to calm the small thing on his arms. "Shh... It's alright, daddy got you."

I smiled at the scene infront of me . Everything was felt like  it was perfectly  in place . I have people who loves me, a family, a  bright  future ... still  it felt like something  was missing.

I sigh  and looked at Cedric. " I wish father and mother were here to experience this with us."

Levi and Hange  looked at each other with concern at me.

"I know..." Levi agreed.

"Both Erwin and Laura felt indifferent  about these two that's for sure. I can imagine  how they would've found out that you're pregnant. They will happy to see them just like they went you were born."

"Hey... They will be proud no matter what. Erwin told me that you'll be a great mother one day. He knew  what you were bound  for."

I turned to smile  at Levi  as tears formed at my eyes. "Thanks, babe. It feels good  knowing that  he thought me in that way. It's difficult without them and I'm still learning  how to deal this emptiness in my heart. I can't wait  tell this kids  all about thier amazing grandfather one day."

"Yeah, me too."

𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮|𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐀𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now