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One year later

We had been training for a year now. I had become pretty close with Jean, Connie, Sasha, Marco, Ymir and Christa. I always often sat outside alone because I can't sleep due to the nightmare of my past and I miss my father, Hange and Levi.

Currently, I was the best in hand in hand combat, and ODM- training, and got the highest score in the class. Thanks due to my father's and Levi's training.People will call me 'OP Godness.' My goal is to get the first top and join the Survey Corps so I can save everyone who destined to die in the anime.

All of us line up as Commandant Keith gives a speech and instructions on what we going to do today

"The exercise is a simple one! You may think this will be a walk in the park even for maggots like you! Well, you're wrong! Whether in battle or peacetime, a soldier is always a soldier! Always retain your readiness to fight whatever the situation! Do not surrender to boredom! Do not let tranquillity distract you! This exercise is a battle in itself! Don't forget that!" Commandant Keith yelled

After exchanging information at our destination, we returned to the training camp via other group's routes. The point exercise was to see how alert we could remain in peacetime. Who knows that we encounter danger at anytime.

I was in charge of our detachment while Armin was made the scribe tasked with recording every event. The second detachment was led by Thomas while Mikasa was their scribe. Both groups left the training camp at the same time and took separate paths encircling the massive forest.

"Well... it's better not to gallop all the way, right?" Marco ask

"Yeah, it's safer," I reply

"You'll look a real idiot if you rush on ahead and your horse gives out. Let's just take a slow" Jean says

"Well, I don't know how to hold back. Jean, if you're going to rise at snail's pace I'm going ahead." Eren gives jean a quick remark and quickly gallops his horse.

"Eren, wait! We should do this in a group and it's dangerous if you go alone." I warn him

"What should we do, Jean?" Marco ask.

"Like I care. It's not like I'm taking this seriously will get me into the Military Police." He replies

"You don't know that...Anyway, let's just focus on the exercise." Marco says

"Not gonna happen."

A few hours later...

"You said it... the road already is a long one." Sasha

"What a pain in the ass." Jean curses under his breath

"Tch, we've even got a lizard as a running buddy," Jean grumbles

"They are really tasty," Sasha informs us.


"We used to eat them all the time back home and they taste a bit like chicken."

"Hearing that, I think I'm gonna throw up," I say in cringe.

"You know how to cook it?" Jean asks, he seems interested

"Of course! It is easy!" Sasha replies

"Alright, then!" He started to kick his horse and gallop fast.

"H-hey Jean!"

Jean turns his head to us. "If they going to send us on the glorified scavenger hunt, then lizard hunting tops it any day!"

"I'll go stop him," Eren says as he started to gallop fast to catch Jean

Jean was chasing the lizard, he was close to it and took out his blade to kill it but Eren stops him

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