Chapter Five

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***Twilight Universe***

Demetri's senses were telling him something was wrong, very wrong. He couldn't feel Amelia in his arms, couldn't sense her near him. "Amelia. Amelia" Demetri calls out for her the moment he wakes up, only to discover that he is back in his room. Felix and the twins were sitting in the seating area of his quarters reading. "Who's Amelia?" Felix asks "My mate, Amelia is my mate. Where is she?" Demetri replies, Felix and the twins exchange a look before Jane sits beside him on the bed "Demetri, I don't know who Amelia is, I'm sorry" She replies softly and rests her hand on his "You don't have a have yet to find her" She adds, again her voice soft "I do have a mate. I met her. I just spent the last two months getting to know her" Demetri replies smiling at Jane "She's beautiful, funny and so caring. She's human and accepts me for me" He adds. "Demetri, you have been unconscious for months, us three and Heidi, have taken turns sitting with you, waiting for you to wake up. Even the Kings and Queens came to check on you and Marcus would stay a while reading to you" Alec tells him "No, no that can't be. I went to bed last night with Amelia, in her home, our home...and I wake this morning alone, here..." He trails off, realising he has somehow returned to his world...alone.

He closes his eyes, concentrating on her, on her tenor...nothing. She isn't there. "No, no, no" He whispers, shaking his head "Where are you my love?" He asks himself quietly and climbs out of bed, only to stumble a little as his legs feel somewhat foreign to him. Jane's arms reach out to steady him "Take it easy, you haven't moved in a while" She said softly looking up at him. "I think he's suffered a head injury. If that's even possible" Alec said low to Felix, who nods "I'm going to get the masters" Felix replies low and leaves the room.

Aro, Marcus and Caius come straight to Demetri's room, Felix behind them, they look relieved to see him awake "Hello Demetri, so glad you to see you've finally awoken" Aro smiles at him, Caius and Marcus also smile at him "Hello masters" He replies with a smile of his own and bows his head. "Felix mentioned that you think you have a mate..." "I do have a mate. I met her recently, I was with her just last night" Demetri replies cutting off Caius, who just smiled at him "But that cannot be Demetri, you've been unconscious for months" Caius adds softly "Here maybe. I don't know. I really have spent the last two months with Amelia in her world..." "Her world? What do you mean?" Marcus asked "I mean her world, where she knew us as characters from a book / movie series..." Felix chuckled low causing Demetri to stop talking, he spun to look at his friend and the look on his face said that he thought Demetri was crazy or something. "Sorry D, it just sounds..." He trailed off when Alec elbowed hard in the ribs.

"I think you should leave Felix" Jane said looking at him, the look in her eyes telling him he would regret it if he stayed in Demetri's room any longer. "Come on Felix, I'll come with you" Alec said as he placed a hand on his back and pushed him towards the door.

Jane was still standing beside Demetri and slipped her small hand into his larger one and gave it a squeeze "It'll be ok Demetri; we'll figure this out" She said softly and he smiled and nodded at her in response.

Demetri held his hand out to Aro, silent permission to read his thoughts, to see Amelia but Aro shook his head "There'll be time for that later. For now rest, collect your bearings and I will have Heidi bring you some blood bags, you must be thirsty" Aro told him before looking at his brothers and nodding towards the door "We'll take out leave now. If you need or want anything, just let us know" Aro added before he left the room, Marcus and Caius following.

"I'll leave you be too. If you need me or want some company you know where to find me" Jane gave his hand another squeeze before removing her hand from his and taking her leave. "Thank you Jane."

Once alone in his room he grabs his phone and types a text message to Amelia, it doesn't send. He then dials her number and the call doesn't connect "Please check the number and try again" The automated message advised him. He sighed and turned on his laptop and logged into his emails. He typed out an email to her and hit send, the email bounced back 'The email address cannot be reached' He growled low and searched for Tumblr only to find that his account doesn't exist and nor did Amelia's. "Cazzo" He growls 'I just want to talk to her, explain that I'm back here. Tell her that I wish we were still together. Tell her how much I love her' he thought to himself feeling venomous tears forming in his eyes.

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