Final Chapter

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***Twilight Universe***

It's been two decades since Demetri met and lost Amelia and he had changed over the years, something everyone in the castle has noticed.

At first, he carried on as normal, tracking down vampires as needed, training the guards with Felix and carrying out his guard duties. He was known for being calm and collected, although everyone knew he had a temper but they rarely saw it unless someone really pushed him to breaking point.

Afton did just this about five years after the 'incident' "Hey, snap out of this depressed state you're in, it's not like this Amelia of yours is real. I mean we all know you look for her when you go on missions and you've yet to find her and you know why that is? It's because she's.not.real" Demetri growled and tore him apart limb from limb, he was about to set the pieces on fire when Felix grabbed the lighter and threw it in the opposite direction "Don't! He's not worth it. What would Amelia think?" Felix said as he held his friend back "Alec reassemble the prick. I'm taking D hunting." Alec nodded but took the pieces to the throne room instead and explained what happened to the Kings.

Caius was seething and only reattached his head and one arm "Read his thoughts. I don't trust a thing that comes out of his mouth" Caius held him tightly around the neck "Just give me a reason" He growled low in Afton's ear "I dare you."

Aro saw everything, every word, every insult Afton had spoken to Demetri over the centuries, including the stuff about Amelia over the last five years. "Demetri has the patience of a saint. It's taken you five years to finally provoke him into attacking you. I will not be punishing Demetri for this, if that were your intent" Afton opened his mouth to speak "I'd choose your next words very carefully boy" Marcus warned before growling at him. Caius tightened his grip on Afton's neck and he closed his mouth, choosing to remain silent. "You should remember you're only here because of Chelsea, if it weren't for her, you would not be a part of the Guard." Caius told him knowing the throne room wasn't empty as some of the guards were on duty. Chelsea was at the back of the room and was shaking her head at her mate's actions and she wasn't impressed. 'poor Demetri. He doesn't deserve this shit' she thought to herself.

As time went on Demetri became sad, depressed, and withdrawn; nothing mattered any more, he had met and lost his mate, his one, the only one he'd ever love and he had no way of finding her again. He finally understood how Marcus had been feeling for the last few thousand years.

Jane was worried about Demetri as she hadn't seen him for a few days so she went looking for him, starting with his room and found him lying on his bed facing the window. She entered his room gently closed the door behind her and crawled on the bed behind him and wrapped one arm around his waist "I'm sorry we haven't found her yet, but we will. I promise you Demetri, Alec and I won't give up" She pressed a kiss to his hair and held him as sobs racked through his body. He squeezed her hand gently to show his gratitude.

Over the last few years Demetri left his room for the fortnightly tours only. If he was required to track anyone he did so from his room and called or texted Felix and the twins with the information they needed. Aro and his brothers understood this and let him be.

Afton was talking to a few of the lower guards about Demetri and not in a good way. "I reckon they'll replace him soon. I mean what's the point of having a tracker that doesn't track anyone?" Afton asked "He's the world's best tracker Afton, they're not going to replace him" Josh replied, defending Demetri "Not to mention his gift allows him to track people from anywhere, the castle included" Matt added "He's only the best until they find someone better" Afton countered. A loud snarl filled the room and they turned to see Alec and Jane standing in the doorway "DEMETRI IS THE BEST" Jane shouted and turned her gaze to Afton and he dropped to the floor screaming "NOONE IS REPLACING DEMETRI!! NOT NOW! NOT EVER!" Alec growled loudly and watched as the lower guards cowered, with the exception of Josh and Matt "That's what I told them" "I know Josh, we heard defend Demetri" Jane smiled at him and watched him and Matt leave the room. The twins then warned the few guards left in the room that if they ever bad-mouthed Demetri again and they heard them, they'd be sorry.

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