Chapter 2- Penelope Hampton

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"hey she made it!" Penny shouted as I carefully making my way to the top of the bleachers, making sure I wasn't tripped by someone under them or there was no buckets of pigs blood anywhere. "scoot over Lily!"

"I-it's Lola." she said dejected.

"like it matters, you know what just go get me a milkshake, and Ruby, just make sure no one's listening." that's um... Why does she have to make sure of that, I'm fine with having potential witnesses. "so... 'Vallorie'..." she paused to wait for the other girls to go. "who is your father?"

"excuse me?"

"look my dad, he knows money, and there's no one with that fake last name of yours who could make a donation like your father, I mean two hundred thousand is hardly just pocket change."

why is she sat close to me, there's a lot of space, maybe I should move away I mean we're physically touching, this shucks.

" well..."

"why's it matter?"

"it matters because... Look if I do a little snooping into the dozen possible people, y'know just check about there kids and schools they've been expelled from..." fuck, she isn't gonna let this go, "I just figured, since we're friends it'd be nice if we're honest with each other. So tell me beautiful, what's your real name?" God she's way too close if I turn my head, fuck she's almost got her lips on my neck!

"it, it's Zara..." she smiled before moving her hand to insist I go on. "Zara Westchapel." God I hate that last name it's so fucking posh.

"Thank you Zara, you know, I think we are gonna get along very well..." at this point a group of girls came out to play rugby. "so how comes you came here?"

"I'm a well-off... girl?" wanted to say spoilt, or privalleged and snob... Not sure about her yet though.

"I love your earrings." she smiled again as I felt at the hoop in my right ear, "dad hates piercings but I think they're... Pretty cool."

"yea, sure..."

"I have a tattoo." she said eagerly turning around and undoing her shirt a bit before lowering the back to show a pink and purple butterfly on the back of her shoulder.

"that's cool..." should show her mine, for some reason though I really don't wanna. Penny unbottoned her shirt back up... Man she smells nice, not like in a weird way it's just a nice perfume... That she must use a lot of.

"you can relax." she giggled as I very deliberately relaxed my shoulders, do I look more relaxed? I feel more strained. We talked for a little while, well she mostly talked. Then the girls practicing left as one came up to Penny, "where is Lola with my milkshake?!"

"hey Pen," this girl had wavy red hair and a defined jaw, she was slightly dirty and scratched from practice and had a very manly smell, I think she wore deodorant.

"Jules, how are you?"

"oh you know... Is she-"

"-she's cool." Julia leaned in close to whisper in her ear, the ear next to me? As she did this her hand gripped my thigh and as they talked she rubbed her way up, slipping under my skirt as I caught them exchange money and a baggie.

"see ya round Penny, you too." she smirked before jogging off.

"who was she?"

"why?" she smiled looking at the bits of dirt on my leg before brushing them off, "if ya want I can get her to come back and dry hump ya?" was that a... Genuine request, it sounds like it but that's too insane!

I laughed, hoping it wasn't obvious it was fake, "yeah, I uh... I'm not into chicks."

"right... Look, I got class, if you see Lola just take the milkshake, it's low fat, strawberry, with chocolate-toffee... See ya round Zara Westchapel."

I slowly made my way down the steps, running into a girl covered in strawberry milkshake a minute later, it was Lola." you alright? "

" fine, she does this all the time, my fault anyway, I just totally forget, I knew this would happen and I really should have been faster, I just ran into this cute boy Jamie and we are like totes gonna-" is she gonna explode? "-but he like def has a gf so like that isn't gonna happen, besides I'm like a total fat uggo right now, "jesus, she needs to breathe at least once..."now I'm gonna be late for class and Dave is gonna shout at me and... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to just, dump..." then she ran off... Another girl I hope to never run into again...

As soon as I could see my door I heard super loud, and just as basic punk rock. I knocked for almost a minute before the door was cracked open. The room was once again filled with smoke, "yea hey look just come back later okay?"

"who is it baby?" a smooth, mature voice breathed. I noticed Daisy's naked shoulder and guessed I probably should come back later. "let her in, make it even hotter."

Fuck he's high, "yea, ill just.."

"yea." she smiled awkwardly before slamming the door. Well...

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