Chapter 5 - Moth...

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I didn't give a clear answer to the girls, I just kinda left telling them I'd think about, which I probably will. But I still got in the limo at the front of the school. Penny was wearing a white miniskirt and light blue sweater, "Val, you made it."

Lola was also there.

We drove to a super expensive looking clothing store, faux fur on display next to "designer" purses and simple yet stylish dresses. Penny had happily chatting about something about her cousin as we had drove, but she was clearly unimpressed by my jeans and black hoodie.

As Penny spoke into the intercom and we were buzzed through, Lola gathered some bags from the boot. I entered the store, which looked weirdly more like a lounge and sat on the large white couch at the back with Penny as Lola argued with the girl behind the desk, "Penelope Hampton... Listen to me! Does not wear clothes with loose string on the buttons!"

"so Zara... What have you been up to?"

"nothing much, just trying to avoid my roommate." I shrugged honestly, obviously I won't tell her about the girls...

"You're with Daisy right?" she pretended to be doubtful. "I heard she's a total slut... Sucked off our old headmaster."

"wow, really."

"yeah, Mr... Gideon. He was nice..." she frowned, "but turns out he was too nice."

"I guess so."

"our current headmistress, miss lady Veronica Von Cast Able. Gosh, that's a mouthful... Well, she is a 'perfect saint' not a thing on her, she might even still be a virgin, no history of anything, doesn't even drink wine." she seemed slightly, frustrated... Maybe those girls are right about her blackmailing everyone, and she can't find anything on this woman... "she's totally unfair aswell, tried to suspend me for catching a boy in my room... And Daisy gets nothing... She's step-daughter of vice principal Charlesworth. He's a sweetheart, still he'll do pretty much anything for a pack of cigarettes... Anyway, I'm probably boring you... "

" No... Its fine."

"Ah, Yvonne!" she stood up quickly and gave the woman a French greeting before whispering something to her and signalling for me to follow her. Maybe I really am I friend? Seems unlikely... But she has some friends, well... Kinda friends. She led me into a changing room, were tons of clothes were laid out and hang on hooks all very carefully. She straighten out one of the folded outfits before sitting me down on the chair. She posed in front of the mirror for a sec, then she very slowly pulled off the sweater, showing off her smooth skinny, almost toned belly and then her simple black silk bra that showed off-what's happening?! Wow I never noticed she had such great breasts... Fuck this wrong! No, this is fine, girlfriends do this all the time... Girl friends. Girls who are friends, they can change in front of each other its all the same... Why shouldn't I be allowed to, she's taking her skirt off... Fuck this is too much, she's doing it so slow, she's even strutting her legs a little to push it down her perfect big... What am I doing! I'm not gay? God those black silk panties are so effortlessly hot... I should get a pair... This is way too weird, I feel like a horny, awkward loser getting a lapdance from a sexy, confident stripper.

I looked away and caught her eyes looking at me in the mirror as she picked up a sexy, tan, tube dress and slipped it on, taking her bra off once her tits were covered. "zip me up." okay, I can do that... I grabbed her arm lightly and the bottom of the zip, she was smirking as I hesitated realising I was touching her, god her skin is smooth. It's fine... I slowly moved the zip up, my finger brushing against her also flawless, smooth skin. Then as I was zipping her up, she let out a soft, very quiet noise... Was that a fucking moan?! She flicked my hand and I instantly let go. "good girl" she joked. Ha good one. She posed, mostly in ways that showed off her killer ass before asking, looking at me in the mirror as she did, "what's the verdict?"

"Um..." God she's so perfect... "yea."

"hmmm... Okay, yeah, I guess it's pretty cute. Unzip."

I obliged, not touching her arm, I unzipped her. But as she went to take it off I opened the door, "I'm gonna pick out some stuff. "

"oh, okay, sure... Tell em to charge Lola's account. Oh and tell her to pick out something better than her carrot dress." she smiled, "I'll text you my other outfits..." she looked like she wanted to say something else.

I left the room with my mind racing, why didn't I stay in there? Because I'm not gay, or because I am gay and got nervous, or because I'm bi and the same... Or because-

" you are the Zara? " the woman from before asked snapping her fingers at the girl behind the counter, who was still talking to Lola. "I have to ask you remove baggy hoodie."

"uh..." I looked around, the windows were all at the door, the other windows looked in on displays... "I guess." I lifted it up and held it as she seemed a very clean person and disgusted by the hoodie, under the hoodie I was wearing a black sports bra and I couldn't help feeling super uncomfortable.

"hmm, good shape... Jilly! Measurements!" 'jilly' took a bunch of measurements never saying a word just small touches to guide me, this is one of the weirdest days of my life. "get."

Jilly ran off again bringing out a rack of outfits and pushing them into a different changing room. Jilly then started undressing me, getting on her knees and pulling my jeans off before standing up and undoing my sports bra, "I'm fine! Thanks." she nodded before running out the room. These girls... Fuck I'm actually kinda wet, I hope she didn't see that, she must've, she was fucking eye level with it... Well more mouth level but, fuck I'm horny today... Must be from Daisy's orgy? I wonder what it'd be like if I had been part of that? Fuck it if I just quickly stroke myself now ill stop acting so crazy, or at least thinking... Putting my back to the door I slipped my hand into my panties and rubbed between my... lips. I'm actuary doing this, god I have to... Its been so long... Last time I had sex was like 9 months ago, and I haven't touched myself since... I don't even remember, I think I did it once two months after that night. Yea, just before I left Cherry High. Whatever let's get this over with.

I'm in bed, naked, and Daisy suddenly- no, I mean that she moans, she's got like ten black dudes all around her, then they see I'm awake so half of them move over to me, they pick me up and put me on my knees... They're just making me suck and rub them, oh yeah this is fucking awesome, I'm a slutty girl... Yea I'm a cumslut... God I'm getting no where... Okay, I'm being pinned against a wall, and they've got there hands under my skirt, I'm trying to wiggle away, but I feels too good, and I'm too small and weak anyway. Then she puts her hand on my mouth and I look up and see its that ginger girl, she's rubbing me against my will. No, that's gay, though I guess it's best to figure this stuff out and I am being forced so... 'Penny told me you was a horny lesbo bitch' she's now grinding against we, her hands groping my tits, 'no Julia-

"everything alright in there?" Penny asked. Fuck she heard the quiet banging of the door everyone I... rub myself...

"yeah, fine... Not used to clothes this tight."

"youve got a hot bod, flaunt it bitch!" bitch? "I'm all done, want me to help ya?"

"No I'm fine, pretty much all done."

"Okee-doke, I want to hear your opinions on these pics though?" nudes? God I'm so fucking horny. I give up, putting on one outfit, to make sure they all fit and so I can lose the redness in my face.

A Goth Girl's ChangeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora