Chapter 4 - Real Friends?

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The first week went by pretty quick, I spent every lunch and a lot of my free time after class hanging out with Penny, Lola always just kinda being there.

I was in the bath, having some precious me time, bubbles, scented candle, earphones... When I heard a faint moan from the other room. I ignored it since Daisy seemed to spend all her free time, and actually the time she was supposed to be in class, "entertaining" black men.

But after wrapping a towel around myself, knocking, and then waiting so they could redress, I stepped out to see her in bed, cum brazenly on her face and three shirtless guys. One I recognised as Cole. The two other guys didn't say shit, just eyed me up before stalking away. Cole sat down on her bed and smiled at me, "sorry 'bout this, your chill with it though right?"

"I don't own her," I shrugged going down on one knee to search through my drawers.

"yea, right... Look, baby girl here, she's always wanted to be in a threesome." there was four people, but okay. "and since I was there cumming on baby girls awesome tits, it ain't cheating."

"you still kinda got cucked." I smirked.

"nah, cause like..." his face was just a delightful mix of confused, offended, and fake confidence.. "whatever, I mean I get it, she promised she'd get a girl to do it with me and her... Yknow, equal and fair. Perfect relationship," this guys a fucking idiot. "ain't that right, girlfriend." he said the word with such joy that it'd be kinda sweet if she didn't have other guys cum on her face and I knew she fucked two different guys a day.

Slowly I began to ask: "so you're cool with al-"

"-Cole is gonna take me to Spain with him and his family during the holidays, so Monday..." I'll take it he doesn't know about the other guys, the other other guys.

"yea, we're total love doves, right baby g." part of me dislikes this guy, but most of me feels bad for him.

"you sure you're... In love?" I turned around to look him in the eyes as he asked and he was pissed.

"course we are, this is real shit right here." he went to kiss her but stopped as he saw all the cum. "the fuck you care, your just P's new bitch." angry, he pulled his hoodie and slinked out.

Daisy was smiling, using her finger to get the cum near her eyes and dripping from her chin.

"what the fuck was that?" I asked carefully standing up.

"oh well, I didn't tell ya but, every so often Penny picks a new girl to be her bitch, rumours are that she just tortures and humiliates her til she leaves." tortures! "some people think it's sexual as well, but of course Penny is 'totally straight', I bet she wears a strapon." she was just smiling and laughing. "oh hey, you don't have to change in the toilet, hell ill let you finish off this cum if you don't." I rolled my eyes and went into the bathroom as she laughed again before presumably finishing off the cum herself.

"so when you said tortures?" I shouted at her.

"not like army shit, just like I don't know its just rumours... Suppose its some 50 shades shit?"

I came back into the room fully dressed, "and uh, FYI I'm not her bitch... And there's cum on your tits." I left the room not wanting to spend too much time around her.

As soon as I left the room I was almost nose to nose with a girl that looked sorta familiar. "hey Vallorie."


"Rowna, I was your guide?"


She's just staring at me! "hey look I was just wondering how you'd feel about joining me and some girls for a party?"

I don't even know this chick, "do I know you?"

"uh, yea... I was your guide..." this chick?! "look its just a fun little thing, two other girls, three big bottles a pepsi, like ten bowls of crisps and snacks... Its super fun... We just need another girl for our two player games and stuff and I just figured you're new and... Uh, it's the nice thing to do... Totally fine if ya don't wanna. "

I don't mind free food, I could drunk on pepsi and pretend to have a good time?" by games, you mean like... Musical chairs?"

" oh, no.. Like Mario kart or cod."

"... Sure whatever, I ain't got fuck all else to do. "

I followed her as she eagerly led me to this house just a block from the school, as I worried I may be killed a tall skinny woman opened the door," hey Rowna, yea come in, Jimmy's just upstairs." she seemed super friendly, "who're you?" she said still smiley.

"uh, I'm Za-" fuck! Can't do shit to pretend I was gonna something else with a Z, just hope she rules out as a brain fart, "I'm from St. Christina's, Vallorie."

"yea, no problem head on up Vallorie."

What am I doing, I don't know two of the girls in there, or this Rowna chick. God this gonna be awkward...

"hey Rown." I instantly recognised the girl as Kerrie.

"your Val right, the new girl." the curly haired girl smiled.


"oh hey Val." Kerrie smiled, not looking at me.

I awkwardly stood there while Rowna sat down giving me just a little space next to-

"I'm not gonna fuck about." the other girl explained stopping me from sitting, "we're gonna destroy that bitch Penny."


"Di, what did we say about easing her in, and showing her how much of bitch she is?" Kerrie sighed.

"I remember I said I didn't like it, we need your help val? " she said her eyes clearly wanting me to tell her if I wanted the same, I don't think I do... She comes of as kinda fake, and a bit of pushy but... She isn't that bad. "... Kerrie used to be her bitch, you've heard about that stuff right?"

" yea, rumours..."

Kerrie looked visibly uncomfortable. She clearly didn't want to talk about it. "she, has blackmail on like every girl in the school, and teachers... We just need something on her... Look everyone knows you're close right now..."

"I don't know... She doesn't seem that bad..."

Di pushed Kerrie a little encouraging her to talk. "she's horrible..." she had a lump in her throat as she scolded her, she looked like she was about to cry. "she made me think we were friends, then she... She used me... And blackmailed me.." fuck she's crying... Well this is about as awkward as every party I've ever been to.

"look Kerrie doesn't wanna say it Val, but more than likely you're on your way to becoming her bitch..." Velma, Verna... Weird girl frowned.

Right then, I got a text. From Penny: "we r going shopping."

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