Chapter 6 - Strawberry With Chocolate Toffee Sprinkles.

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Despite my objections, although they could have been slightly more determined, Penny or Lola even, ended up buying all the clothes on the rack, so now I have a wardrobe full of expensive clothes I'll probably never wear. At least no one asked about why my hair was a bit of a mess and I was a bit sweaty, hopefully they put it down to how quickly I tried on all the tight clothes.

That night however I was shocked to hear the loudspeaker, "as you should all already be aware. The use of any drunks or alcohol in school grounds, or whilst wearing our school's uniform, will not be tolerated... Furthermore anyone caught cheating, stealing test answers: as well as selling and purchasing them, will be met with the same response..."

" that was fucking random. " Daisy muttered before going back to moaning as Cole fucked her. Am I being Cucked, nah you have to be dating, what's the term for just casually being in the room while people fuck? At least they're just doing missionary not under the covers... Still weird though. I wanted to stay up later than Daisy so I could finally...

Well, it doesn't look like that's gonna happen.

I eventually fell asleep, only slightly conserned they'd do things with my sleeping body. The next day I got up and went to meet Penny on the bleachers, apparently today was a big day. I changed into a green sweater and black skirt that was bought yesterday, and set off.

She was sat there with Julia and Trudy either side of her.

"hey Zara, you haven't been formally introduced, Trudy, and Julia."

"nice to meet you." God Julia is eyeing me up like a fucking steak. Wait, she told em my real name?

Trudy moved so I could sit next to her but I just stood, "so Trudy, your captain of... Our team?"

"yep, big rugby game tonight, I'm also captain of the hockey team and the netball team... And gymnastics and dance, its not that important for them though, well unless it's a team, coordinated display." wow... Good for her.

"that's cool." is she not... Gonna ask anything about me... Well that's kinda rude.

"you got a boyfriend Z?" Julia asked. That wasn't very subtle, maybe it's just a normal question?

"No. Not right now."

"well you ain't got much a chance of finding one of them here." Penny smiled.

"guess not..."

"any of you got boyfriends?"

They all nodded.

"team we're playing tonight: Westgrove, my Charlie, and Penny's toy Dean, both go there." Trudy explained.

"what about you?" I asked Julia.

"I have an open, relationship with this boy from my old school, Tyler." she pulled out her phone and showed me a picture of the two of them together. "we're both bisexual... and just generally very sexual people." she shrugged. God is she coming on to me, or is it just wishful thinking, or like crossed wires. She's buff, maybe my brain is stupid and sexist and thinks because she has big muscles she's a boy or like boy-ish enough. It's definitely stupid enough.

"Julia here has fucked like every girl at this school... Us four are probably the only one's she hasn't." she laughed, Julia and Trudy giving her a quick look before giving a quick ha.

Why is everyone so compliant with her... Blackmail? "hey girls mind if I just go to the toilet?"

Trudy and Julia shrugged, "hurry back." Penny smiled.

"we should probably get to practicing..."

I ran down the bleachers and went round the corner of the building before pulling out my phone and going to 'the board', I did a quick check of the rankings, top ten exactly the same, but I had somehow moved up to 15! I shouldn't be so happy about that, it's all superficial anyway, I mean who runs this thing?

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