chap 4.

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"heedeungie-," jake looked at him and smiled. heeseung face was bright red. jay chocked on his banana milk. sunghoon was stoning, processing about what jake has said. ni-ki laughing his ass off. jungwon was smiling calmly, trying not to laugh, while sunoo was being supportive.

"what the fuck ??" jay cursed and laughed.

"what am i hearing.." sunghoon still stoning.

"HAGAHAHA HYUNG-" ni-ki on the floor laughing as jungwon tried to calm him down.

"なに ???" heeseung spoke in japanese as he looked at jake in the eyes. (なに ; nani, what)

jake surely regret doing this, he was too embarrassed and shy. heeseung still blushing. heedeungie ?? the cutest nickname he ever heard. "why ? heedeungie shy ?" jake pouted.

this moment, heeseung became a tomato as his eyes grew bigger. he was so speechless.

thats one cute puppy ive ever seen..

"ni-ki, get the hell up.." jungwon spoke while sunoo was fan-boying.

"so cute, i love this" sunoo spoke and took some pictures of them, close together. sunghoon walked over them and asked questions about their relationship.

sunoo, jungwon and ni-ki lied by giving confuse face. sunghoon knew what they were hiding, it was too obvious . jay came over and had his cheeks tinted pink the moment he laid eyes on jungwon.

why the fuck is jungwon cuter today ? hes exactly like a kitten. cute, soft and small.

"jay hyung ?" jungwon snapped his finger as he noticed jay staring at him. jay was blushing and just walked off, saying he has basketball practice as an excuse of course.

"heeseung still frozen even after jake left for student council meeting." ni-ki spoke, finally calm.

"hyung, are you ok ?"sunghoon pat his shoulder.

"no but he's definitely cute as hell just now." heeseung spoke and left sunghoon clueless about what he meant.

he has never.. ever said that to the girls he flirt with previously.

"man falling for him," sunoo smiles and left with jungwon and ni-ki.

this is interesting.

next day~

jake woke up, feeling weak and cold. he was working and studying last night for the upcoming exams, student council stuff and also for money.

he bathed in hot-warm shower and ate his breakfast. jungwon, was already walking to school. ni-ki and sunoo went to have breakfast at starbucks. he was alone.

getting ready to go out, he felt dizzy and weak still. he wore his hoodie on and walked to school.

heeseung spotted him from behind and walked behind him.

does he not even notice me ??

jake wasn't walking straight. he was slow then usual. he clenched his fist, trying to get his vision back. then suddenly..

he collapsed on the side of the road. heeseung was shocked and rushed to him. he placed his hands on jake's forehead.

wow, hes burning hot. why the fuck is he even going to school when he's sick ?

heeseung didnt think twice and piggy back him back to his dorm.

"guess im skipping school today for an idiot" heeseung sigh and prepared the bed for jake. he placed the cooling cloth on his forehead and prepare medicine and water for him at the side of the table.

he contacted sunghoon about the situation and told him to tell others about it and that hes missing school for it.

he looked over jake and smile. "youre one cute idiot" and caressed his hair.

his heart skip a beat and his stomach felt weird. "maybe i should stay away from him. im feeling weird somehow."

as soon as school ended, everyone rushed back to the dorm where jake, jungwon, sunoo and ni-ki live. jungwon felt useless , he didnt knew jake was sick as hell.

"dont blame yourself, you should be glad that hes at home, safe and sound," jay smiled at jungwon. blushing blushing blushing.

sunoo giggled and noticed its atmosphere.

"oh you guys here already ?" heeseung spoke as he just got to the dorm with food on his hands.

"i got it for him, there was only ramyeon in this house," heeseung explained.

"cute" ni-ki said out loud, leaving heeseung face red and smack ni-ki's shoulder.


meanwhile ; jake's nightmare..

"think youre so smart ? youre just another fucking lameass bitch, only know how to cry like a baby,"

"where's our food ? arent you supposed to get our lunch ?"

"youre nothing but a usesless piece of shit"



those sentences..words, repeating in jake's head. this trauma haunts him till-

"JAKE !!!" ni-ki shouted. jake opened his eyes with tears in em. "youve been whimpering and shaking, whats wrong ?" sunghoon asked.

ah, this nightmare is back again.

"are... you crying ?" jungwon asked, worried.

jake woke up only to find himself at the dorm room, with ni-ki , jungwon and the others. even heeseung.

why is that asshole here.

he checked the timing and realised its 6pm.

ah, i skipped school...

he then noticed theres medication and a bucket of cooling water for the cloth on his forehead. he noticed that the water wasnt cooling as it should. he shooked his head.

"im fine-" he wipe his tears.

"youre not. you were having high fever and fainted along the sidewalk of the road. luckily, this guy here helped you to our dorm." sunoo spoke and pointed at heeseung whos folding his arm and leaning against the walk looking other directions but not jake.

jake was speechless. it was the first time he fainted. he guessed that he's been overstudying the last night and overworking himself.

"oh.. thank you." jake mumbled and gave a soft smile that makes heeseung heart skip a beat.

i think theres something wrong with me.

"whatever." heeseung left the room.

"here, your porridge and water." jay passed to jake. jake tilted his head, confused. why buy ? when theres food at home ?

"heeseung bought it for you," ni-ki explained, smirking.

well, thats.. very uhm.. kind of that idiot.

jake smiled unknowingly and had his face flushed red. hes falling for him. but he shouldn't. he frown at the thought of it and ate the porridge.


oh what should i do..

heeseung thought as he sat at the kitchen counter.
hii guyss !!! thank you for supporting and reading, i really appreciate this ! dont forget to vote , so much love with everyone <3

anyw, i apologise for any errors as im, you see, im very bad at grammar hehe.. but yes !!! stay safe and healthy <3 thank you once again :)))

ps ; chap longer thn other, so sorry ya


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