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Jinan looked nothing like I thought he would. 

When I ran into him the first time he was bringing the lady’s bags up the stairs. He was wearing a white shirt that strained against his shoulders as he struggled up the stairs. He had three bags in both hands and two on his back.

“Why not take two trips?” I asked. He wouldn’t move out of the way and I couldn’t get down the stairs.

“I don’t need to take two trips. Why don’t you make yourself useful and take a bag instead of gawking at me?” He glared at me, his voice was low and smooth.

I clenched my jaw and didn’t respond.  

"I'm sorry, that was rude." He smiled. "Can you please help me out?"

His smile was warm and welcoming but it didn't quite reach his eyes. His jaw was angular and sharp with three days of stubble growing. His were golden.

“Yeah sure.” I kept my voice even and tried not to show any emotion. Everyone told me what a scumbag this dude is but I’m not going to wait all day for him to get up the stupid stairs.

He handed me the three bags in his left hand. They were dark green with gold vines etched into them. They were surprisingly heavy.

“Not so easy is it?”

“Shut up, I’m helping you.”

He went up another step, the sun was in his eyes now making them appear as if they were glowing. His face was soft. “Thank you. . . I’m sorry but I don’t know your name.”

“It’s Aoife. And you’re Jinan.”

“Ah-- so you’ve heard about me?” He bowed his head a little bit and looked at me through his eyelashes.

“Yeah. I know a bit.” I turned around and started walking. “Are you coming? I don’t have all day?”

He laughed, deep and guttural before falling into step beside me. “I just want you to know that I’m not as bad as Jay says I am.”

I side-eyed him. What do I really know about him? That he’s scum. But what if he wasn’t as bad as they said he was? What if he was innocent. I shook my head. I’d believe a potential victim then a potential abuser-- if that’s what this situation is.

“I really don’t know much,” I confessed. “But trust me. I know enough.”

I turned to look at him. He had black curly hair that went down to his shoulders, some curls hung in front of his face, blocking his right eye a bit when he walked. His left eye had a faint scar above it. His ears were pointed and stuck out--like a half-elf-- that were dressed in earrings.

“What are you looking at?” His eyes meet mine again.

“Your ears.” I looked away. We were only four doors down. “Can you take this the rest of the way?”

“Just drop it off by the door. I’ll handle it.” 

I walked ahead and dropped the bags off then turned on my heel and hurried past him and down the stairs. He didn’t seem like a bad person but I guess that’s part of the con. 

Kuna was standing at the bottom of the stairs with their arms crossed. They had a spatula in one hand and a pocket watch in the other.

“Where’s Devi?” Kuna frowned. “I need her help in the kitchen and I can’t find her anywhere.”

“Can I help?” 

“No, I need Devi’s help with this.”

“Well, last I saw them they were bothering me when I was cleaning. They wandered off and I didn’t see them again.” I shrugged.

“Ugh, this is not the day for this.” Kuna rolled their eyes. “Maj wants you in the garden for the rest of the day.”

“Why?” I asked. 

Kuna studied my face then sighed. “Maj got an earful from the lady about having you working in the house versus the garden. Something about that not being your job and yadda yadda yadda.”

I nodded and started walking away when Kuna called out my name. I turned around and she smiled at me.

“I made lemon tarts if you want any later.”

“Definitely save some for me.”

“Oh and Aoife, don’t let her see you in here again for the rest of the day unless you’re with Jayen or it’s the end of a shift. And hurry up.”

I nodded and speed-walked the rest of the way to the garden. Why did Lady Dupon care about where I was working? We didn’t have the numbers to just let three people do everything.


I’m not sure what to do now. 

Yesterday Maj told me that she was going to move me to the day shift. I didn’t like not being without Ferni but at least I had more entertainment. I was planning on ghosting Aoife all day but the second I left the room she was gone. Maybe she did it on purpose or maybe she thought I left.

I haven’t seen the lady all day but I can feel her walking around. I can smell her walking around.

Every time she took a step it felt like a drum hitting my head. I didn’t have my meds to dull it--her down. I felt her strength in the back of my mouth like a piece of strawberry you got stuck in your teeth.

I know I’m going to have to stay away from her until I can get more Nectar.

Growing Into You (First Draft; Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now