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When we got there it was crowded. There were all sorts of people there. Everyone was there. Devi pushed us down a cobblestone street, shoving through the crowds. The buildings were tall and made of stone and brick.

Devi turned us through the streets and into an open area. There were fewer people here but there was a dome in the middle. It looked like a pit with iron bars to keep it enclosed. People were standing all around it, shouting and waving flags or sticks. A few people where even climbing the bars to get a better view.

“I’m sorry for pushing you guys.”

I turned to her. “No problem. What do we do now?”

Jinan pointed to a guy sitting a table, smoking a thick cigar. “I think we talk to him.”

The man looked very strong, even his muscles had muscles. He was wearing a white button up with the sleeves torn off before the seam. As we got closer I could see his skin was shimmering a pale blue color.

“Are you Mr. Faa?” Devi asked.

The man grunted in reponse. 

“Yeah okay. This is Jinan, the Storm Elementalist and Jayen. . . the Herbalist.” Devi pointed to us respectively.

A loud boom came from the arena and the crowd cheered. Oh no, they’d be watching us too. . .

“Go meet Ren by the armory to get set up.” He pointed to an Ember, standing tall over the crowd by a large metal sign in a language I couldn’t read. “Not you, strange girl.”

Devi pouted and Jinan nodded. I swallowed my nerves and followed him over to them. They were wearing a long flowing black dress with their shoulders exposed. Their arms were covered in swirling tattoos that moved with their motions.

“Are you two here for a duel?” They grinned at us. They had a thin Rusiane accent.

“Yeah,” Jinan said.

I couldn’t see it over the crowd but there was a staircase descending into the ground. It was probably the entrance to the arena as well. You couldn’t see the bottom of the stairs.

“Right down there. On the left is the armory and on the right is a changing room. If you are ready now you can just wait by the metal doors to be opened when this match is over!” They were using a customer service voice. I’m sure they had dozens of people go through this daily.

Jinan pushed past me to get downstairs and I followed after him. My hands clenched into fists. I hated him, I would win and would never have to worry about what he would do. . .

But what if I didn’t win? What if. . .

The what-ifs don’t matter right now. All that matters is the sword on my hip and the roots underneath the ground. I fully descended the stairs. There were tow torches down here on either die of a metal door. There two other wooden doors. Jinan must have gone in one of them. 

I don’t know how long I was waiting before the crashes and the crowd quieted down then stopped completely. A man was shouting about the winner and that a new fight was starting now. Jinan walked out of the door on my right.

“I’m going in first.” He straightened his shirt and adjusted a new sword on his hip.

I didn’t care who went first so I just nodded, biting my cheek. My stomach was flailing around, screaming at me to go back and to go back to the lady. No, I’m stronger now, I can do this.

“Please welcome to the stadium. . .” The voice boomed.

The doors swung open and Jinan walked out. He was waving up at the crowds and they were cheering. “Jinan, the Storm Elemental! And please give another welcome to his opponent. . .”

I took a breath and stepped outside. The crowds cheered and the light was blinding. “Jayen! Folks you’re not going to believe this but we have an Herbalist in the Arena!”

The crowd cheered louder, drowning out my own thoughts and worries. “Start when ready!”

I rolled my shoulders back and pulled out my sword. The wind was starting to pick up.

Jinan stood across from me. His hair blowing in the cold wind. A storm had started to move in--no, his storm had started. I squeeze my sword tighter. I could feel the roots and vines start to come to the surface but did not break through the dirt.

I took a deep breath.

This is it.

He made the first move. He ran at me full speed and drew his sword. I didn’t move until he got closer. I lifted up my sword and stepped to the side. His sword hit mine with such force sparks flew.

“You think you’re so talented don’t you.” He spat at me.

I kicked him as hard as I could. “Why don’t you focus on winning. You’re not doing too good.”

The wind was blowing more now and a few raindrops had started falling. I had to beat him before he could use the lightning against me. I summoned up the roots from the ground and wrapped them around his leg. He kicked them off and came at me again. He swung at me and I dodged it. 

“Fight me!”

I thrusted my sword forwards, hitting the side of his arm. He yelped and jumped away from me. Blood was dripping down his arm. He looked at me with such malice. I hadn’t seen that since we dated.

He raised his arm up. I swung as fast as I could at his exposed torso. I ripped his shirt and he brought down his sword. I felt a sharp pain on the side of my neck and a warm liquid trickle down. I ran at him, shoulder first. He knocked me aside and brought his knee up to my stomach. He struck me hard and the crowd cheered.

Rain started to fall. I don’t have much time left. I summoned up the roots again. I planted my feet firmly on the ground and lifted my arms up. Roots wrapped around him and pulled him to ground. His sword went flying and the rain increased.

I walked towards him. I could end it right now. I could end him. No, then I wouldn’t be any better than him. I kicked him in the stomach as he struggled against the root prison. The crowd grew louder as I raised up my sword.

There was a bright flash and a loud boom. The ground shook. I toppled backwards and dropped my sword as a bell rang out. 


Growing Into You (First Draft; Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now