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I woke up with a headache, feeling drained. 

And embarrassed.

Oh no.

I sat up in bed. Aoife was gone and a gentle light streamed in through the window. Why do I always wake up alone? I rubbed my eyes and got out of bed. As I was getting dressed I was also planning out how to apologize to the lady for my behavior. And what to do with the garden. . .

I stepped into the hallway. It was empty and I couldn’t hear Kuna bustling about in the kitchen. My stomach growled loudly and I headed to the kitchen. There was a basket of fruit and veggies on the table. I grabbed two apples and devoured them before peeling and eating two oranges in less than five minutes. As I was wiping the juice off my fingers with a towel I heard Kuna walk in.

“Hey, she’s alive!” Kuna bumped into me as a greeting. “You’re just in time. If you’re still hungry just wait there for a bit and I’ll whip up some pancakes with jam.”


Kuna threw two heavy black stones at me. “Can you start the first for me?”

I smacked the rocks together to form sparks to started a little fire. I blew on it to help it lick its way up the logs. Kuna smiled at me and I sat down on my chair.

I blurted out. “I’m so sorry about last night I was just in a weird place mentally. I know that’s not an excuse but I just don’t know what was wrong with me--”

“Oh honey. There was nothing wrong with you. You were in a very fragile mental place. Something just. . . tipped you over. I accept your apology, though.” Kuna waved their hand at me. “We have raspberry and blueberry jam. Which one?”

I smiled. “Blueberry.”

Kuna and I were sitting at the table, eating some pancakes and jam in peace before Maj stumbled in. Her hair was messy and her eyes looked tired and empty.

“Oh no, Maj what’s wrong?” I asked.

Kuna laughed. “No, she just looks like that in the morning.”

Maj glared at them and picked up a small plate of pancakes before shuffling back to her room.

“She didn’t sleep well last night.” Kuna sighed. “She was really worried about you.”

I put my head on my hands. “Oh no. I’m so sorry guys.”

“You should apologize to the lady.” Kuna shoved a piece of food in their mouth. “Since you’re just dishing out apologies over there,”

After we ate I left the room. My hands shook slightly as I climbed up the stairs and into the library. It was dark and felt cold without the lady in there. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I could wait here for her. . . Or I could go up to her room. . . 


I nearly jumped. I didn’t turn around. I knew it was just Aoife.

“You can’t just scare me like that.” I said. My voice cracked a little bit.

“Yeah, apparently.” Aoife laughed. “What are you doing?”

“Looking for Alex--the lady. I’m looking for the lady.” I shook my head. “Do you know where she is?”

Aoife shrugged. “Her room, probably. I’ll meet you outside when you’re done with. . . whatever it is you’re doing.”

She walked away and down the stairs. I lingered at the library for a few more seconds before heading through the hallway and to the lady’s room. My heart hammered against my chest. I rapped on the door three times until the lady called out something. I either couldn’t hear her through the door or she was mumbling. 

I took a deep breath and pushed open the door. Alexandra was laying in bed, her hair fanned out behind her and her eyes closed. I probably wasn’t supposed to come in. I turned on my heel, ready to leave when she spoke.

“Come and join me, Jayen.” Her voice was smooth. “You still owe me a game.”

Growing Into You (First Draft; Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now