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Its race week again and Daniella is both excited and nervous at the same time. Excited because if she does better than Lewis and Max she will be leading the championship and nervous because Netflix is following her this weekend to film for Drive to Survive season 4. That means she has to be careful the entire weekend and not make any silly moves.

“Hey guys,” she greeted the Netflix crew who knocked at her door early in the morning. Thankfully Myra was already in her room to supervise and support her

The crew entered the room and explained her how the filming process will be and how they will ask her questions and she will have to explain.

After they filmed a little in her room where she explained how her mornings are during race weekends they made their way to the race track for track walk.

“I don’t like this,” Daniella told Myra as they parked their car, Netflix crew following them close behind.

“Just don’t say anything mean or stupid and you will be fine,” Myra advised.

They both got out of the car and spotted Nate. He was about to join them but as soon as he saw the crew behind he ran away.

“Is the entire weekend going to be like this?” Daniella groaned.

“I am afraid so.”

Both of them went to the paddock to join the team. After a brief meeting they went for the track walk. It was drizzling a little but Daniella didn’t mind as she loves rain.

“Unlike Max I love track walk,” Daniella joked as she kept walking along with Nate who is having a very hard time ignoring the cameras.

“I think this is the only time I regret being your engineer,” He said loud enough for the camera, earning a glare from Myra.


“Oh shit!” Daniella cursed when she saw Toto. She hasn’t even replied to his mail, neither has she told anyone about it.

“Hey,” he gave a warm smile. “Can we talk without the cameras?”

“Sure,” Daniella nodded and asked the crew for some privacy. Myra gave her a warning look before she followed Toto.

She could feel all eyes on her and can already imagine the rumors that will emerge soon.

“I don’t know if you have seen it but I have sent you an email the other day,” Toto explained.

“I saw it,” she replied. “I just didn’t had any time to reply.”

“Have you thought about it at least?” he asked.

“I have actually,” she nodded. “But I want to consider all my options before deciding anything.”

“I understand,” Toto smiled. “But let me tell you, you are one of the most amazing driver in F1 right. If you join Mercedes you will be winning championships.”

“I will think about it,” Daniella said politely.

“Let me know when you make your decision,” Toto gave one last smile before walking away.

Daniella turned around to see everyone looking at her and the Netflix crew filming her from afar.

“I need to go talk to Christian,” she tol Myra.

On their way she filled in Myra about what was going on. Myra of course was angry for not knowing about the Mercedes offer earlier, and now she is going to have to deal with the PR nightmare.

“I need to talk to you urgently,” Daniella said to Christian.

“Okay,” he stopped his discussion with the engineers. “Lets go in my office.”

They asked the Netflix crew to wait outside.

Daniella explained everything to Christian, from the email to talking with Toto a few minutes earlier.

“Me and Marko were just talking the other day about the possibility of Mercedes trying to sign you,” Christian said.

“I haven’t made any decision yet,” Daniella said. “You told me you want to extend my contract but I haven’t got any confirmation yet. And I know Pierre had a meeting with you and Marko.”

The team principal nodded, understanding what Daniella is trying to say.

“We don’t want to loose you to Mercedes,” he said honestly.

“That is why I need confirmation,” she explained. “A verbal promise is not enough, I need a contract. I believe I can win championships with RedBull.”

“I will have an immediate meeting with Marko and let you know by the end of the day.”


Just as Daniella suspected the news spread like wildfire. Everyone is asking if she is really moving to Mercedes.

Lewis has already made a statement saying he wants Bottas to stay in Mercedes but he wouldn’t mind Daniella as his teammate also. The statement was like oil poured into fire.

Even Pierre approached her to confirm the news, desperately hoping it to be true.

“I am not allowed to say anything Pierre,” she told him. “You know how this things work.”

“I know,” he replied. “But I was thinking if you go to Mercedes then…”

“Then you will get the RedBull seat,” she finished his sentence. “Go and talk to Christian about this. I am really stressed out and don’t want to talk about this topic any further.”

Pierre nodded and walked away, not wanting to anger her.

She went to the hotel earlier to get away from the chaos. There is no doubt Netflix is having a great weekend.

After talking a long shower she just sat in her bed going through her phone.

“Is it true?” Lando asked as soon as he entered the room.

“No..I don’t know yet” Daniella replied tiredly. “I am waiting for Christian’s call, after that I will make a decision.”

Lando walked over to her and kissed her forehead. “You look tired.”

“I am tired,” she whined as he rubbed her back.

Her phone rang and she jumped up. “Its Christian.”

She gave Lando a quick kiss before answering the call and going to the balcony to talk in private.


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