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Daniella’s newborn niece was sleeping peacefully in her arms as her sister was resting in the hospital bed. After hours of pushing and screaming the baby was born, and to say that everyone is exhausted is an understatement.

“She looks just like you,” Daniella smiled at Lauren, who gave her a tired smile.

“Really?” Lauren asked. “Cause I think she looks like her father.”

“Where is my dear brother in law, by the way? Did he manage to get an early flight?” The baby arrived 2 weeks early which caused a bit of an issue for everyone with their schedule, and Lauren’s husband was crying on the phone for missing the birth of his daughter.

“He did manage to get an early flight,” Lauren replied, as she watched her sister humming a lullaby to her daughter.

From the other side of the door Lando knocked gently before opening the door a little. “Is it okay to come in?”

“Of course,” Lauren invited him in.

Before he could open the door fully, Collins pushed him aside and entered first. She excitedly skipped towards Daniella and her niece.

“I don’t know what to get for the baby so I got her this,” Lando shyly showed everyone the small teddy bear that he bought from the gift shop.

“That is very thoughtful of you,” Lauren smiled as he handed her the gift.

“Can I look at her?” he asked awkwardly, looking at Lauren and then Daniella for permission.

“Of course,” the mother of the children replied. “You can even hold her if you want.”

Daniella brightly smiled at her boyfriend as he approached them. Collins moved from her spot and went to sit near Lauren, giving Lando and Daniella enough space.

“She is so tiny,” he said in a low voice, making his girlfriend laugh. “I have never seen such a small baby.”

“Do you want to hold her?” Daniella asked her boyfriend, who looked a little paniced and unsure.

“Yeah, okay,” he stuttered.

Daniella carefully placed her niece in her boyfriend’s arms. He let out a soft laugh, as the baby continued to sleep in his arms.

“Lando..meet Amelia,” Daniella cooed. “and Lia, meet uncle Lando.”

Lauren smiled at the sight infront of her, Lando and Daniella gushing over the baby.

The baby started to squirm a little, Lando panicked and immediately Daniella took her niece back into her arms, and the squirming stopped.

Lando smiled as he looked at Daniella looking at her niece with love and adoration in her eyes. His thoughts drifted to what it would be like when they have their own kids and family.

“Dani, I think you should go home and rest now,” Lauren said to her sister. “You have been hear for hours.”

“I am fine,” Daniella tried to dismiss her sister’s concern. “I just want to be hear with you and my cute niece.”

“Dani I am serious,” Lauren said a little sternly. “You look exhausted.”

“She is right,” Lando commented.

“But I don’t want to leave you alone.”

“She is not going to be alone,” Collins replied. “I am here, and dad will be coming back soon.”

“ugh fine,” Daniella gave in. She went over to Lauren who took the baby from her arms. “But call me if something happens or you need anything.”

“I promise,” Lauren smiled.

Daniella admired her niece for a few mire second before collecting her bag which Lando took from her as he can see how tired she is.

“I will be back in the morning.”


Daniella was extremely tired. As soon as she got home she took a shower and jumped in the bed to sleep.

Lando soon joined her and wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer. She gave him a kiss before resting her head on his chest.

“Do you think about our future?” he asked as he ran his fingers through her hair.

“Yes,” Daniella replied honestly. “You?”

“All the time,” Lando replied before placing a kiss on her head.

“What do you think our future will be like?” she moved slight and lifted her head to look at her boyfriend.

“Us as world champions…and then I will ask you to marry me in a couple of years,” she gave a shy smile. “Then we will eventually have kids and move to a bigger house.”

“I want two kids,” Daniella excitedly said.

“A boy and a girl.”

“Both will dominate formula one in the future.”

Both smiled as they pulled eachother for a kiss. They are young but completely in love and want the same things.


A/N: Do you think their relationship is moving too fast?

Some Pierre x Dani coming up soon... incoming jealous Lando

Okay but what if Dani and Lando doesn't stay together at the end of this book?

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