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“Collins don’t run,” Daniella said to her younger sister as they entered the paddock.

Collins was jumping with excitement, not paying any attention to Daniella or Lando who were right behind her.

“This is so cool,” Collins took out her phone and started filming.

“I am already regretting bringing her along,” Daniella said to Lando.

“She will be fine,” Lando laughed. “She might get lost at one point but she will ne fine.

Daniella hit his arm, making him laugh more.

“Oh my god, that’s Sebastian Vettel,” Collins yelled as she pointed at the Aston Martin driver.

Sebastian looked towards their direction.

“Collins, don’t yell like that,” Daniella put her arm down so that she is no longer pointing.

“Zac is calling me,” Lando informed Daniella. “I will see you two later.”

He messed up Collins hair before running towards the McLaren hospitality.

“I hate him,” Collins told Daniella as she glared at Lando.

“You hate me?”

Collins looked stunned as Daniella’s face turned red in embarrassment.

“You are Sebastian Vettel,” Collins stuttered.

“I am,” Sebastian smiled at Collins before looking at Daniella. “Its this your sister?”

Daniella nodded as they exchanged a quick hug. “Sorry about her…she is just very excited to be here.”

“No no, it’s fine,” he turned his attention back to Collins. “I am always happy to meet a fan.”

Collins squealed and grabbed Daniella’s arm.

“Would you mind taking a selfie with me?” Collins nervously asked.

“Not at all,” Sebastian replied, finding the encounter amusing as Daniella just stood there feeling embarrassed.

“Also can you do a quick video for my mom and dad?” she requested.

Daniella shook her head as the demand list got longer and longer, and Sebastian being the nice person he is agreed to all of it.

Daniella spotted Lewis who just entered the paddock.

“Umm Collins…can you stay here for a few minutes,” she looked at her younger sister. “I just need to ask Lewis something really quick.”

“What if I get lost like Lando said,” Collins looked at her sister.

“I can keep an eye on her,” Sebastian offered. “I can take her to the Aston Martin garage and show are around if you don’t mind.”

“Yes..please Dani,” Collins gave her the most innocent look. “I will be good, I promise.”

Daniella looked at Sebastian who gave her an assuring look.

“Fine,” she agreed. “But be on your best behavior and don’t touch anything in the garage, okay?”

Collins excitedly nodded her head.

“Come on,” Sebastian said to Collins before looking at Daniella. “She will be safe, don’t worry.”

“I know she will be…its others I am worried about.”

After Sebastian and Collins left Daniella made her way towards Lewis. He was walking towards the Mercedes hospitality without a care in the world but stopped when he noticed Daniella.

“Ready for the US grand prix?” he smiled as they exchange a hug.

“You bet,” Daniella smiled nervously. “Listen, there is something I need to talk to you…actually I need your advice.”


“I am telling you, its not going to end well,” Pierre to Christian as they walked together. “She didn’t even paid much attention to me in Italy.”

“That means you didn’t try hard enough,” Christian replied.

“You know if she finds out the truth she is never going to talk to me again,” Pierre said, a hint of sadness in his voice. “I know how she is…she is not even going to notice my existence.”

Christian huffed as he stopped walking and turned to look at Pierre.

“Look, as much as I want Max to win the championship this year, he is not going to. We all know its either going to be Lewis or Daniella…and I would prefer it to be Daniella,” Christian explained. “And she has a three year contract with us and you have improved so much this year…we are really considering giving you the seat once Max' contract is over next year…so I suggest you make the smart decision.”

Pierre thought for a few seconds, processing what Christian just told him. He once again got the hope that he can have it all.

“I know you want to drive for Red Bull again, and you are going to,” Christian tried to make him understand. “Just make sure Daniella doesn’t find out about our…”

Christian stopped talking as soon as he noticed Daniella coming out of the Mercedes hospitality with Lewis. He can tell both were having a serious conversation.

“Why is she coming out of there?”

“I don’t know,” Pierre shrugged. “She and Lewis are good friends, maybe they were just hanging out.”

Christian nodded, trying to convince himself that nothing is going on that he has no idea of. He hates being in the dark.


“You said you would be back in a few minutes,” Collins scolded Daniella as soon as they excited the Aston Martin garage. “But you took over an hour.”

“Sorry, it was kind of important,” Daniella smiled.

“Everything okay?”

“Yeah, its all fine,” Daniella replied.

Collins nodded, not completely believing Daniella.

“Okay so free practice is going to start soon,” Daniella explained. “Your options are staying with Myra and watch from the Red Bull garage or stay in my driver’s room and watch from there.”

Collins thought for a few seconds.

“I will stay with Myra.”

“Okay, but you…”

“Yes, yes, I will behave,” Collins imitated Daniella, earning a light punch.

Daniella laughed as she threw her arm around Collins as they made there way to the Red bull centre.

“Later I will introduce you to the other drivers.”

“Yes! All my friends are going to be so jealous.”


A/N: What do you think Dani and Lewis talked about?

Do you think Pierre will get the red bull seat?

Thoughts on Collins?

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