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“You will look gorgeous in this dress,” Myra excitedly said as she admired the dress lying on the bed.

Daniella smiled as she applied her makeup.

“So…did you go on social media today?” Myra asked.

“No…I didn’t get any time to. Why?” Daniella turned to look at Myra.

“Well… redbull posted a video of you and Pierre,” Myra opened her Instagram and showed it to Daniella. “They have posted the same video in YouTube also.”

“What the hell…” Daniella watched the video. It’s a top ten moments of Pierre and her.

Daniella’s face became red as anger took over her.

“What are they playing at?”

“I don’t know,” Myra replied, getting concerned about Daniella. “But I think  it would be best if we talk to Christian first before we decide how to handle this matter.”

Daniella nodded.

All she could think about is Lando now. She knows how these sort of things effect him, and she knows she would be very mad if the situation was reversed.

“The car is here Dani,” Myra informed her. “You better get ready fast.”


Pierre’s eyes landed on Daniella the moment she came in. A smiled appeared on his face as he watched Myra snatched Daniella’s phone and she was about to argue.

“You can trying calling Lando after the event is over,” Myra sternly said.

Daniella has been trying to call her boyfriend the entire ride to the event, but it keeps going into voicemail or he keeps declining it. She only received a text from him just informing the he is currently busy and will talk later.

“Hey,” Pierre interrupted the duo, making then to stop arguing. All his attention was on Daniella.

“Hey…hi,” Daniella awkwardly greeted him, making him chuckle.

Daniella and Myra shared a look.

“Umm..would you mind if we tag together for the evening?” Pierre suggested. “I don’t really know anyone here and it feels pretty awkward to be roaming around alone.”

“I..I am not sure Pierre,” Daniella replied politely. “I came here with Myra, I don’t want to leave her alone.”

She looked at Myra as Pierre felt a little disappointed.

Before the conversation could go further Myra's phone started ringing.

“It’s Christian,” she told Daniella. “I will be back in ten minutes.”

Daniella wanted to stop her or even go with her but before that Myra rushed outside.

She looked around to see all the unfamiliar faces, except for Pierre.

“The offer still stands,” He smiled and offered his arm.

Daniella took a deep breath before reluctantly took his arm.

“Just until Myra comes back.”

Charles, who was also at the event finally got the drinks and made his way to find Pierre, but stopped immediately when he spotted him with Daniella. He decided its best not to ruin Pierre’s chance and turned to the opposite direction.

“Hey, when did you get here?” Carlos greeted his teammate.

“Just now,” Charles lied.

“I thought you were coming alone,” Carlos enquired. “Why do you have two drinks.”

“One is for you mate,” Charles nervously laughed as he handed Carlos the drink. “Come on, lets get away from the crowd and talk.”

Charles is aware that Daniella and Carlos are good friends and if they spotted each other then Pierre’s evening will be ruined.

“You are being so weird…more weird that usual.”


“You know, you look very beautiful today,” Pierre tried to start the conversation.

“I know, that’s why I choose this dress,” Daniella sassed, but soon felt guilty. He is just being nice and she is being rude.

“Why do I feel like you are mad about something?” he chuckled.

“Because I am,” Daniella answered honestly.

Pierre raised his eyebrows, waiting for Daniella to continue.

“It’s the rumours Pierre,” she said as removed her arm from his. “It’s the rumours about you and me dating.”

“They are just rumours,” he nervously laughed.

“Yeah…but if feel like someone is trying to take advantage of the situation,” She  looked directly at him.

“What…what do you mean?”

“Is that Carlos…and Charles?” Daniella spotted the Ferrari drivers at the other end of the hall.

Charles tried to hide Carlos and himself in the crowd but it was too late. Daniella was already walking towards them, with Pierre following her. Pierre looked nervous.


Lando finally decided to return Daniella’s calls as he is no longer angry. But as soon as he unlocked his phone the notifications popped in. He got curious and clicked on one, but as soon as he did he wished he didn’t.

There were news circulating that Pierre and Daniella finally made a public appearance together as a couple. Of course its not true, but everyone seems to believe otherwise.

He decided against calling her.

Lando is aware that he is jealous and Daniella would never do anything to hurt him in any way, buy he can’t help but want to be the one with her out in the public, to hold her close and show everyone that they are together and love one another.

Thinking be doesn’t want to create unnecessary issue he decided to send her a text, stating that she looked beautiful and can’t wait for her to come home.


To Pierre and Charles’ disappointment Daniella and Carlos kept each other company through the entire event, and even Myra joined them.

Daniella explained Carlos what was going on and he was happy to help her out for the evening.

“We need to talk once we get back,” Myra told Daniella.

Judging by her face Daniella can tell its not going to be a pleasant conversation.


A/N: I think Daniella is too smart for Pierre and Christian.

Also Charles is a good friend, but not s smart one.

And the evening definitely didn't go as Pierre hoped.

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