JJ Maybank | Surf Trip?

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As I started my shift at The Wreck, The three members of the death squad walked into the restaurant. I tried my best to make my way into the back before they arrived, although miserably failed when I heard my name called from the counter.

"Oh, Y/n." A sing-songish voice from behind me spoke, "I'm trying to order some food." As I turned around I was met with a preppy rich kid, that was none other than Rafe Cameron.

"Hi, Welcome to the wreck." I very much obviously fake smiled as I rested my arms on the counter in front of him. "What can I serve you today, Cameron?"

"Still salty about our epic breakup?"

"Epic?" I laughed right in his face, messing with the straw in my cup. "It made me happier than a kid in a candy shop. Now, I said, What can I serve you today?" I still had a hint of frustration and annoyance in my voice.

"Coffee. Black. No cream." I rolled my eyes as I went around to the back counter, picking up the hot coffee pot and pouring it into a plain white coffee mug.

"Black, hm... like your everlasting  dark soul?"

"Just give me the coffee, Y/n." I could tell I made him frustrated, I loved every moment of it.

"Alright." I picked the coffee mug up, pouring the coffee directly into his lap. "Better, Rafe?" As I looked up, a particular blonde was staring at me from a booth. I waved as Rafe began to look up at me, with pure fury in his eyes.

"You're gonna pay for that."

"Sorry, I don't have any spare change."

He got up from his seat, slowly walking out as his pants dripped with coffee.

"Sleep with one eye open, never know who or what's hiding in the dark." I rolled my eyes at him as he stormed out, slamming the door behind him. I grabbed a wet rag from behind the counter, slinging it over my shoulder, and began scrubbing the stool drowned in coffee.

"Well, wasn't that actually epic?" A voice again from behind me spoke, as I turned around I saw JJ.

"The only epic thing." We laughed as he placed his dishes on the counter, "Where've you been hiding Maybank? Haven't seen you in a while."

"You know, world domination, test subjects, fun stuff."

"As if you'd take the time to test any subject."

"You're not wrong." He laughed, I finally had gotten the stool back to it's normal state, walking behind the counter, and taking those dishes to the back. I walked back out as JJ played with some pen on the counter, "How's Kook Academy going?"

"Absolutely terrible. I hate it, I hate everyone there. It's so — preppy and prim, just not me." He grinned at me, lightly chucking.

"Well, since everyone and everything seems to be extremely dull. You up for some surfing?"

"Deal, I'll meet you after my shift, Maybank." He smiled as he put the money for his meal on the counter, I put the money into the register as I smiled at him on his way out.

I soon finished up my shift, I drove to my house, throwing on a swim suit, a oversized t-shirt, my white converse, and grabbed my surfboard from the garage. I got into my car and strapped my board on top, I drove towards the beach, and was met with a familiar blonde as I parked and grabbed my board.

"Hey! My favorite kook's arrived."

"And look here, my favorite pogue awaiting my arrival."

We waxed our boards and took 'em out surfing, after 2-3 hours of surfing we laid our towels down on the beach and laid next to each other, looking up at the stars. "The view's so pretty." He was facing me.

"No, no. Mine's a work of art." We both laughed in unison, "Why are we so cheesy?"

"Ask the website I got that from." He said in a fit of laughter, throwing me into another one.

"Tonight's been amazing, JJ."

"Agreed. I mean the stars, the ocean, the beach, the fact you completely ruined Rafe's ego."

"You know the last part was fun, although... I think I'd choose this over that any day, Maybank."

"Oh, would you know, Mrs. Maybank?"

"Mrs. Maybank? That has a nice ring to it."

"Oh, does it now?" We both leaned in as we shared a kiss under the moonlight, "Well hi." I said smiling as we pulled back.

"I love you."

𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 | 𝐜𝐣𝐬𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now