Part 10: G-Goodnight Error...

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Ink's POV:
I was sitting in Outertale admiring the stars when I heard a voice from behind. One I had recognised all too well. It was Nightmare. He was telling me to follow him.

(Ink) Where are we going?

(Nightmare) Shut up. Don't ask questions.

(Ink) Oh uh.. Alright..

I was following Nightmare when we came to a stop. The whole gang was there! But so was Dream and Blue... Dream approached me and was telling me to come back.

(Ink) No! I hated it there!

(Dream) This is a command. Nightmare said he didn't want you there anymore so you're coming with us!

I heard the other gang members laughing, and I turned to Nightmare is disbelief.


Nightmare nodded with a mischievous grin. The same grin the others were wearing. Dream grabbed me by the arm and whacked me on the side of my head. It wasn't the side with the crack on it luckily. The crack could break if someone hit it at the force Dream was using. All of them took turns hitting me or kicking me. All of them except Error and Blue. They were just laughing and smirking to themselves. WHY?! As soon as one of them hit the crack, I blacked out. But I awoke in reality. I had heavy sweat on my face and my breathing was shakey... W-Was it just a dream? Or was it a vision of the future..? I'm going to set it on it being a dream because I've never had a future vision. Ever..

(Ink) E-Error..?

Error was making yawns as he awoke.

(Error) wHaT dO yA nEeD sQuId..

(Ink) Will the group leave me? Will you leave me?!

(Error) wHeRe iS tHiS cOmInG fRoM?

I looked down to the rocks by the cliff.

(Ink) It's nothing...

I stand up and walk towards the cliff. I can't really erase stuff...

(Ink) Error, can you get rid of these dummies?

(Error) yA yA, wHaTeVeR..

Blue's POV:
I'm worried about Ink... They may be treating him nice, but what if they hurt him later on?! I need to go somewhere to think.. Somewhere to get rid of my stress... I mean, there's this one AU I can go to! Its an AU where the humans and monsters never went to war. So all have been living peacefully And Asgore never had to kill those children! That seems perfect. I don't have to bother hiding either! I teleport there and come face to face with one of the bad guys. My face is filled with blue blush..

(Blue) Ahaha.. Sorry!

I take a couple steps back.

(Dust) I-it's fine...

His face is filled with purple, and he tries not to show he's embarrassed. Although it's pretty obvious.

(Dust) H-How's it going with Ink n-not being there..?

(Blue) Bad.. Dream has a short temper. One little mistake and we get told off for it.

He immediately turns his protective mode on and runs up to me for a hug.

(Dust) Are you Okay?! Has he hurt you?!

(Blue) No he hasn't. I guess he's just worried we might leave too.

(Dust) ...

(Blue) You okay?

(Dust) "we"?

The Truce 《Sans AUs Story》Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz