Part 13: Broken Soul

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Ink's POV:
     I turned the corner and saw everyone there, including Lust?

(Nightmare) I can tell your surprised because Lust is here, but don't mind it. Lust is Horror's boyfriend.

(Ink) He is?

(Nightmare) I let them date you guys as long as it doesn't get in the way of their work.

I let out a happy shriek of pure excitement.


(Nightmare) WHAT THE-

(Ink) That means Dust can date Blue!!

(Horror) Why Blue?

(Ink) I can tell Dust likes him!

(Cross) Huh.

Dust teleports into the dining room soon after saying that.

(Dust) B-Boss... I have something to tell you..

(Nightmare) What.


(Horror) Ink was right!

(Dust) Wha..?

(Nightmare) We're off track. Does everybody remember what we originally wanted to talk to Ink about?

(Killer) Right Boss!

(Ink) You wanted to tell me something?

(Error) SqUiD, wHeN yOu WeRe SiCk It HaD tO dO wItH yOuR sOuL, rIgHt? AnD dOn'T bOtHeR aRgUiNg BeCaUsE wE oVeRhEaRd.

(Ink) ... Yes. It did have to do with my soul.

(Nightmare) So what's wrong with it?

(Ink) That's kinda personal.

(Horror) Ughhhhh... Fine, you're telling us sooner or later though!

(Ink) Fine.

I excuse myself from the table and head to my room. I can't answer the question because... well, I don't remember what happened to make me soulless. So the only answer I can give them, is "I'm soulless and I need paint to feel emotions". How stupid does that sound? I wish I knew what happened in the past. I hear Nightmare saying it's time to go to bed, so we all tuck in.

Ink's Dream:
       I wake up in a while void and I would originally start panicking, but that didn't seem like the case right now. I feel like I'm different.. I look behind me and see what looks like a Papyrus, Toriel, Undyne, Alphys, Asgore, y'know, the main characters? They all are just black and white though.. Shouldn't Sans be there too? He's like- the main character! But then I see someone in front of the others. He appeared to be Sans. Just, black and white like everyone else. They all look scared so I go closer to investigate. I almost bumped into the Asgore, but it seems I just went through him. Am I a ghost?!  Can no one see me?! That means they'll eventuslly forget about me!.. No.. No!.. As I was panicking I heard this Undyne talking.

(Undyne) Sans, Don't do it.

(Sans/???) I just want to be someone!

I stare in pure shock as he grabbed his soul and tore it apart. Everyone around us had disappeared and all the white slowly became black. I saw the Sans terrified as voices were around him. I couldn't make out what they were saying though. It just sounded like gibberish to me. Then the white came back, but the people didn't. Though he had something on his cheek, a splat of ink. And as I watched the yellow paint cover him, that's when I realized he was me. I remember waking up in a white void, and then yellow paint came down and I felt for the first time. Just like what was happening to that Sans!

Ink's POV:
      I sit straight up in a cold sweat and look down at my hands. So that's what happened to make me soulless? I look back up to see Killer on the end of my bed. It was kinda creepy, but he also gave a warming smile.

(Ink) What are you doing here..?

(Killer) You seemed scared while you were sleeping, my room is next to yours, and I wasn't asleep. I was practicing catch the knife when I heard scared whimpers coming from your room.

(Ink) Oh.. Well I figured something about my past in a dream... Error had always been curious about it, and he seems interested about it.. So I might tell him about it first..

(Killer) OooOoooOooOOO~

(Ink) S-Shut up! It's not like.. He sees me as a friend.

(Killer) Whatever my guy, just go back to sleep alright? It's already 2:59am!

(Ink) I could say the same for you. But I probably should.. Night Killer!

(Killer) Night? Is he at the door?

I give a small chuckle at Killer's statement. They probably call Nightmare "Night."

(Ink) No. I mean it as in, Goodnight.

(Killer) Ohhh, Goodnight Ink.

Killer walks out of my room and I fall into a dreamless sleep.

-Le Time Skip-

It's morning and last night I decided I would tell Error about how I became soulless. We've already had breakfast and I was just chilling and drawing in my room. I walk out of my room and think of were Error could be. He could be in his anti-void, or he could be in Outertale..  Or even somewhere here in the castle! Geez.. I really don't want to go in the anti-void, so I'll check Outertale. I open up a portal and don't find him anywhere. I eventually ask around if anyone's seen Error in the castle. No maids and none of the gang members knew where he was. There was one person I hadn't asked yet, and that was Horror. Luckily I knew where he was, he was in the Kitchen preparing lunch. I head to the kitchen and ask if he knew where Error was. I was about to explain I needed to tell him something when..

(Horror) I already know why you're looking for him. You want to tell him you loveee~ him!

(Ink) W-What?! No I don't!

(Horror) Sure~ I hate to break it to ya, but he's in his void right now.

(Ink) Dang it. Thanks anyways Horror.

(Horror) No problem~

(Ink) I don't like him!

(Horror) Whatever floats your boat!

(Ink) Ughhh!

I storm away while Horror keeps laughing to himself. How long does Error usually stay in the anti-void for? I've heard Nightmare say he sleeps there sometimes. If I wasn't scared of white in the dream, does it mean I'm not scared of white in reality? I take a deep breath and open a portal to a place I hated. The anti-void. I close my eyes and go through. I mentally count down from three and on one I open my eyes. I look around and all the white started getting to me. Nope, my fear isn't gone, but for the sake of finding Error, I kept looking. All the panicking I was doing drained my magic source a little bit. Once I noticed, I tried not to panic. I kept walking along all the white hoping for some sign of Error. I started to feel tired after crying to myself a bit, and eventually something came into sight. Some royal blue strings with souls they had captured, hanging above. The next thing I saw before blacking out was a blue beanbag with some glitchy signs here of there. That meant if I could just reach the giant beanbag chair, and tap Error, he would see me and I could get out of here. That failed obviously as I blacked out but managed to call out for Error.

(Ink) E-Error! A-Are y-you here....

(1226 words)

Fun fact: After Ink's dream, the people he encountered was random, from the spinning wheel app!

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