Part 18: A Yellow Highlighter.

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Cross's POV:
      I started to laugh over and over, wiping a tear from my eye. "Oh boy! Do I ever remember that! I saw Ink dancing in PeaceTale and I knew he was trying to get away from his argument, but I wanted to dance with him, so I started to do the Macarena! He eventually caught on, so we were just doing the Macarena In the rain! Man that was funny.." I say, still wiping tears of laughter. "Huh." Nightmare said in a flat tone. He didn't think it was that funny. I did though. Everyone was giggling except for Nightmare and Error. Error looked at me, wide-eyed before he started to speak. "We're any of you even paying attention?! We got the au we needed! But to make sure, Cross, What day did that happen?" That was weird, why did they need the date? I thought all they needed was the au. "Um.. July 29th?" "Perfect!" Killer yelled raising his hands in the air. Erm.. Is it just me or is Boss blushing at Killer..? Eh whatever, those two would look perfect together anyways!

      "AlRiGhT! wE gOt ThE lOcAtIoN, nOw LeT's Go!" Said Error, a tiny bit more energetic then I've ever seen him. Man, he really has it for my brother, doesn't he? Hehe. Dust took the responsibility of creating a portal, while we just went through it. PeaceTale.. Such a wonderful au! We step onto the streets, greeting the monsters and humans that walk by. All people here invite monsters from all aus! Their so nice.. I wish I had those kind of people in my past.. But after Underverse, I realize I can't bring them back, and they were how they were. But this is the present. I have to focus on the present, and not the past. I lead them to where the dancing happened, and they look around for any sort of clue. I look as well, before I notice something that wasn't there earlier. A manhole cover. I lift up the cover to see more cement underneath. That's strange... The other crowd around, thinking I found the clue. "Nothing here." Dust stated blankly. "HmMmM.." Error looked down at the cement before he snatched the cover from me. "H-Hey! What was that for?" I yell at him. It wasn't much of a deal, but I think I was yelling because of how sudden the action was. "nO. nO.. lOoK aT tHe BoTtOm Of ThE cOvEr." Error said as he flipped the manhole cover over. 

    "Cool!" Killer said smiling. Is Boss still blushing? I'm so confused.. Nightmare read the words aloud. " 'Galaxy.' Well that wasn't helpful." "i UnDeRsTaNd. It'S tAlKiNg AbOuT OuTeRtAlE. i ThInK." Error said summoning a portal. He steps through, and we follow. It may be the next place we need to go. I've personally never been to Outertale before, AND IT LOOKS AMAZING! I stare at the stars, and my mouth opens. "HeH. nEvEr BeEn HeRe BeFoRe?" A certain glitchy boy says as he punches my jaw. His goal was to close my mouth. And he succeeded. "OUCH!" "dEaL wItH iT." "Focus." Nightmare said as he walked around, looking for some sort of sign. "Is there a special spot here for Ink? Orrr..." "hM.. nOt ThAt i KnOw oF..." It seems like a dead end now. We could search all of Outertale, but that would take a very long time, and now that I think about it.. We may be on a timer! Obviously I'm not going to say that aloud because I don't wanna stress the others out. "Are we sure this is the right 'Galaxy'?" I say looking around, still at awe. "i MeAn.. ThIs Is ThE oNlY pLaCe i CoUlD tHiNk Of..." Error should know it doesn't have to do with JUST him and Ink. We're here too. Horror let out a gasp and we all turn to him. "What?!" Me and Dust yell at the same time. "I just thought of what galaxy could mean! But there's one problem..." "WhAt'S tHe PrObLeM?" Error asked while tilting his head. "It has to do with someone we can't talk to.." "What does THAT mean?" Thee Octopus said as he lifted his tentacles, not afraid to harm someone if he didn't get the answer.  "We'll have to talk to a certain... Nightmare.." Horror said with a dead-ass stare. "Soo... One of MY aus." Nightmare said as he was about to create a portal. "Uh! No, no. I see where you'd get confused there. "

           "So then who are we looking for?" I asked, wondering who he was talking about. "oOoH.. a CeRtAiN yElLoW hIgHlIgHtEr.." Everyone turned and look between Error and Horror. "No. Way. Ever." Everyone else said together. They seemed like they didn't want to talk to Dream. Who is this 'Dream' person anyways? "Do we want to find Ink or not? He's like a brother to me now. Well kind of.. He doesn't match Papy at all. Eh, maybe he does.." Horror kept rambling to himself if Ink was like a Papyrus. "Horror said it. I want to find my brother." "Brother?" They looked at me in confusion. "Like, your Papyrus? I thought he was dead after Underverse.." "Uh.. No.. I meant Ink." They all looked confused still, but they pretended they understood. "Oh yeah! Hahaha, sure." I gave them a stare and they stopped talking. "Welp. Let's go." Nightmare announced, have already made a portal. We go through and we end up in a green field with a little two story house in the middle. We were surrounded with tons of healthy trees and flowers. Huh! This seemed like a nice place! We approached the door, and there was a sign beside it. It said: Star Sanses House! (Which includes Dream, Blueberry, and Ink!) Awe, cute sign! Nightmare takes lead and starts to knock. No one answered, so he knocked again, and again, and again. Eventually he got annoyed, so he kicked the door down, with such a racket, someone's sure to have come to the door now! Everyone entered, but then stopped in shock. There was a skeleton, dressed in yellow, with a yellow crown, unconscious on the floor...

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