Chapter 24.5: Stains.

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Chapter 24.5: Stains.

Kein's POV

You know how I thought spending the day with her won't be bad?

She moves her white queen piece to corner my king.

Princess Cecilia smiles as she takes the tea from the other side of the table. "Checkmate, this has been your ninth time losing."

I groaned. "What the heck?! Again!"

I rearranged the chess pieces as I was fuming with smoke. I can't believe I got beaten by a twelve year old princess?!

"If you wish for a rematch I'll gladly provide one for the traveling artist." (Princess Cecilia) spoke, sipping the tea elegantly as she continued to give me that forsaken smile. "But do know, I won't show any mercy to any opponents I face even if it's one as adorable as you."

I shook my head, "Are you looking down on me?! Don't call me adorable. This time I will beat you for sure." I quickly rearranged the chess pieces as she set down her cup and rested her head in her hand.

"But you are adorable. Has no one ever told you that?" (Princess Cecilia) mutters giving me a weird look.

I sighed as I impatiently waited for her first move but it seems like she's not moving until I answer, "No one did. Now make your move, come on."

"You're a demanding one." she says as she moves her knight first. "Out of all the chess pieces, which one is your favorite, traveling artist?"

I looked up at her gaze. Her light gray eyes knew no bounds as she kept holding on to her golden embroidered fan. I look through our chess pieces and never really have thought of choosing a favorite piece before. "I don't know. I never really thought about it. To me every piece is important because every piece has its own worth."

I moved one of my pawns two steps forward as I took a cookie from the plate. Duchess Viviana swung by earlier with her maids giving us sweets and earl gray tea before leaving yet again. The taste of sugar lightened my mood as my feet couldn't stop dancing.

I hear someone giggle as to see it's still the princess acting really weird these hours, "You really are adorable."

"I swear when I grow up and become taller than you, I'll make you eat your words." I TALKED BACK TO THE FIRST PRINCESS-

I quickly stood up and was about to do my Asian apology bowing, "I'm sorry your highness- don't jail me-"

"I'll wait." She moves her queen eating my knight. It surprised me how she can be just so... carefree about someone just telling her, I'll make you eat your words?

"Pardon? You'll wait for what?" I ask feeling awkward than ever as I couldn't move any piece of my board feeling nervous and afraid that I'll be sent to jail-

"I'll wait for you to grow taller than me. I'll take back my words of calling you adorable." (Princess Cecilia) says smiling. "As long as I have an excuse to meet you again, it'll be wonderful."

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