Chapter 34: Kein Hills.

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Chapter 34: Kein Hills.

Kein's POV

"My lady, your carriage awaits." (Alfred) knocks on the door.

I tidied myself up properly, the new clothes that I bought consisted of long sleeves and a black jacket with thin golden highlighting. The same old black tight pants and the shoes, I stared at myself in the mirror thinking...

Kein is secretly a Duke's daughter.

Now I got her adopted into a Baron's House.

I have dark magic, a type where I absorb them. Is there a limit to how much I can absorb?

"I will be right there Alfred, give me one moment."

"Understood." he replies as I could hear his footsteps become faint with time leaving me alone with these unending thoughts. I pranced around the room trying to comprehend everything that has happened ever since I got hit by that truck.

It has almost been nine months since I've been by that stupid truck and got reincarnated into a medieval setting of a world but it has magic in it.

I looked around my room noticing all the stuff that I've gathered. Its been weeks but this will no longer be a guest room but my room fully.


"My name... its no longer Kein Rosenguard but Kein Hills." I muttered to myself slumping onto the sofa. I have to apologize to Kein wherever she is, I feel like I might have done something she will not like.

In her diary, there was nothing of the sort where she says she liked her last name.

"If it's to survive, I might be safer with the last name change." I tried to think positively standing up from the sofa brimming with confidence. "Now to tell Rose what the happened because I need someone to talk about this."

Ah but I also have to send Lenard a letter about it. He's family after all.

Knock-! Knock!

A knock on the door surprised me. "Sorry Alfred for keeping you waiting. I'll be leaving my room now!"

I walked up to the door and opened it but I was surprised to see another tall person who was awkwardly standing there with a cane in his hand. "Baron Hills? I mean- father."

He shakes his head smiling, "Call me father when you think you are comfortable with it. I am alright with Baron Hills."

"Did you need something?" I asked him and he moved aside in the halls. "Follow me. From now on I will teach you how to manage the estate's business for you are my daughter now." he walks slowly to match up my pace. I followed his steps closely while he spoke.

"You will have much to know and learn about the family business. I already have Alfred tell the carriage to wait for your trip. This won't take long." (Baron Hills) smiles, his eyes were truly genuine and sincere.

A smile suddenly formed on my lips, family...

It was always a sensitive topic for me. Especially back in my home country. I never had such a thing, and the only person I ever considered a family was my adopted daughter.

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