Chapter 35: Reason of Loving.

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Chapter 35: Reason of Loving.

-Six Years Forward-

Kein's POV

I breathed in excitedly gripping the handle of my sword. It's the basic dull one used for practice, light, efficient, and easy to use on the field but not recommended if you're going up against a monster.

My father, Baron Hills has been training me ever since I turned thirteen. He stood there completely being himself, having a hand behind his back. "Leaving me a handicap father? How generous of you." I told him as I laughed while whirling the sword I was holding.

He gave me a smug look before slashing his sword at the ready. Signaling for a duel. "My foolish daughter. It is for you to last even longer than ten minutes while parrying with me." (Baron Hills)

I rolled my eyes onto our playful bickering. I slashed my sword in the air, keeping it to my side at the ready.

Baron Hills was the best father figure I have ever gotten.

When I thought to myself since all of the past generations of our families became Royal Knights. I should follow them, right?

Even though I am well aware I have to hide my magic completely. I'll be a knight with the skill and strength of a monster when it comes to the art of the sword.

"Kein don't let your guard down. Are you dreaming again?" (Baron Hills)

"No, father, just simply waiting for you to strike first." I told him scoffing while he just shakes his head.

He grins actually running towards me quickly drawing his blade to hit my side but I managed to dodge it and defend myself with my sword as sparks flew between the two swords colliding.

Slash! Slash! Slash!

We sparred with smiles on our faces. I tried to make him slip and fall kicking him on his legs in a fast motion but despite him being old he's so quick that he dodged my kick jumping up into a hay bale behind him.

"What a cheap move." (Baron Hills) says while keeping his sword pointed at me.

"Agh, give me a break father. My head has been full of flowers and pink lately." I told him while I had kicked his hand in surprise, the sword moving into the air. He almost lost his balance in the hay bale but managed to collect himself at the last minute.

"Whoop!" I dived, flipping forward and catching the sword onto my left hand. "Ah thank you for the second sword father, truly you are being generous." I snickered leaving him weaponless.

He didn't even look afraid, stretching his shoulders. I could hear his bones crack, raising his fists up. "[Water Magic: Flowing Armor]." (Baron Hills) casts his magic, suddenly forming two water gauntlets on his hands.

"How a shame I could absorb it anytime." I whistled, rolling my eyes enjoying the time I'm sparring with my father.

"What you lack is hand to hand combat, Kein. I still remember the first time you spared me such horrible form." (Baron Hills) recollects the memory by shaking his head.

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