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The moon was bright in the sky, close enough that it felt like I could actually touch it if I reached out. The sound of keys jingling made me redirect my gaze from the moon I'd somehow gotten lost staring at and to mum in front of me, who busied herself unlocking what would be a small rusty gate. I looked around. We were at the back of the house, slightly farther from the building, the area deserted because there's never anything to do this side and they had always warned us against coming here. Strangest part, an eerie feeling hovered around. Maybe because there was no electricity overshadowing this section of the compound and the darkness freaked me out. I didn't understand why there were no lamppost on this side. It was obvious they had intentionally done it.

The short walls adjoining with the gate stood firm, and I wasn't sure if they went around or stopped somewhere behind. This was familiar. I remember coming across this structure when I was younger. After, dad had properly reprimanded me and since then, this part of the compound was no less than a ghost to me.

Finally, she pushed the door open as hard as she could because of its stubbornness to let us in. Perhaps it was old and rustier than I thought. She stepped in first, paving her path with the illumination from the torchlight in her hand. Then she held the gate on my behalf as I stepped in. Mum left the gate once I was in and took the lead forward. I followed her and eventually drew to a stop once she did. It was dark, and I wasn't sure about what we were staring at, but she raised the torchlight and I could see a strange hut in front of us.

Gradually, I furrowed my brows. A hut. I looked around; it was a deserted premise and this structure in front of us was the only thing here. Now that I think about it, I realised I've never stepped into this premise, not even as a child. Why haven't I seen this hut? Why wasn't I told about the existence of this space? Mum fixated the light on the small entrance without a door. It was pure darkness in there and I stared a bit intensively like someone waiting to see something happen. The longer I stared, the more it felt like I was being drawn towards it.

"This is it." Mum's voice pushed me out of my thoughts and I shifted my eyes to her.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, and she shifted her eyes to me.

"This is the deity's hut."

"What?" I shifted my gaze back to the structure. Nothing moved. I could barely hear a sound, but the feeling... something was definitely wrong. No wonder I'd felt a little creeped out earlier.

"Why would we have this here? It shouldn't... it shouldn't be here." I stated, somewhat in panic.

"It has been standing here for so many years. I do not know exactly when they had it built, but the idol lives inside and as long as it's here and we play our own part of the deal, our family will have anything we want."

Steadily, I drew in a deep breath. "I thought... I thought the idol would be in a shrine at Kamalu's home.

"We're not in a movie... Our world is actual. Our lives are real... I brought you here because I want you to realise the importance of your decision... I understand this might be too much for you to handle, but it's your fate. It's your destiny."

I watched her look away from me. "The deity is an ancient god. It has fed off us for a long time and it won't stand for disobedience... Kasie, this is bigger than us."

Mum shifted her eyes back to me. This time, they were softer than a few seconds ago. A sigh left her lips before she placed a hand on my arm. "Please... think harder about the decision you're making. Our lives truly depend on it." She said, then turned away to leave.

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