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^what Seraphine looks like, that includes wings and weapons but her armour will be different. I got the image from Google, of you know what is from let me know. or who the artist them let me know so I can give the proper credit.


I smile at my fellow angel's as I pass them. They each simple nod or bow in return as I make my way to the globe room. The globe room was self explanatory. It was a large room with two giant globes on either side. One looked like the earth with real time cloud movements and weather reports. The globes was covered in glowing gold dots and each dot represented a single child that believed. The other globe was white and gold. This one however held the lights of every single child, whether they believe or not. Along with gold lights there were also ones that were red and black. Red meant the child needed protecting, or healing and black resembled those who felt unloved or unwanted.

It was my job along with the other angels to make sure those lights turned gold. It wasn't as easy as it sounded since the children had to also learn how to deal with things on their own, if we tried to fix every ounce of pain they felt then they wouldn't understand how to deal with it once they were older. We could however help them get onto a path that would help them get out of a situation. For example I could give an adult the idea to go home a certain way, were they could find a child who was hurt, this adult could then help them and talk them through the problem the child was facing.

I had used this multiple times if a child was stuck in an abusive household, I would make an adult was was loving and understanding walk past the home in time to hear the child being hurt and they would then take care of the situation. The only time we would step in and take away someone's pain was if things became too overbearing. We would temporarily lock the pain away until the child was ready or old enough to deal with it, allowing them to overcome the pain little by little rather then all at once.

I walk over to the gold globe and walk around it gazing over the lights as I do. I loved watching a light turn gold. The smile leaves my face when I stumble across a patch of black. It wasn't just the lights but it was the land below them too. It spread like ink before retreating making me believe I had been imagining things. I would have thoughts so too if it wasn't for the fact that every light the darkness had touched had turned a deep shade of black.

The doors are flung open by one of the guards and they stop to grasp their breath as they face me. "My lady. The northern lights." I run out to the balcony and see the northern lights shimmering throughout the air. "Tell my daughter she is in charge. I'll be back in a few days."

"Which one?" I give the guard a look and he rubs the back of his head sheepishly. I only had one daughter that was old enough. My eldest, Anactoria, appearing 18 but was really 400, and my youngest, Htebazile (Te-bay-zee-al), was only 100 but looked 5.

I run out of the room and into my own chambers since I already had my armour and sword on me I quickly grab a coat. The coat was a pure white with two large slits on the back that went over the wings, the slits then clicked together like magnets making the material look like one continues sheet. Not wanting to waste anymore time I leap off the side of my balcony and throw a ball of light in front of me.

"North's work shop" The ball of light spins before flattening itself out into a large disk I fly through it and immediately shiver as the cold snow of the north pole bites at my wings. I fly as far as I can before having to go the rest of the way on foot, my wings not being able to handle flight in the snow. I'm greeted by a Yeti called Paul. I walk over and hug him, burying my face into his warm fur. He pats my head gently before guiding my inside. The warmth makes my skin and wings tingle slightly due to the temperature difference and I sigh in relief when I'm finally able to flutter my wings again. I walk in silently and a few elves stop and stare at me open mouthed. One of them was brave enough to come up to me so I pick him up and carry him on my wing.

He sighs happily and sinks into the plush feather making me giggle. My bell like laugh rings throughout the room making the others turn to me. "Hi, I'm Seraphine. I'm the Angel of healing and love" I wave to them and they each give me a look before tooth goes back to tell her fairies where to collect teeth, while Bunny continues talking to North, still pointing at him with the back of a paint brush. "Mate, if I did this to you three days before Christmas..."

"Please, Bunny Easter is not Christmas." North pats Bunny on the side of the face before walking over to me. Bunny gives a scornful laugh "Here we go. North I don't have time for this. I've still got Two million eggs to finish up!" North stops and turns back to Bunny.

Sandy and I both notice the moon light that suddenly started to fill the room. "Guys?" They don't listen. I try a few more times before Sandy tries to help by picking up an elf and shaking the poor thing up and down rapidly to ring the bell on his hat. When that still doesn't work, Sandy throws the elf to the ground grumpily. I use the tip of my wing to push the little guy back onto his feet before I give one strong beat of my wings. The air knocks Bunny and North off their feet and the look at me in shock.

I chuckle at their reactions before shrugging "What? Sandy and I have been trying to get your attention."

"Oh really, and what for Sheila?"

"That" I point to the moon, ignoring the tone Bunny gave me

"Ah, Man in moon! Sandy why didn't you say something?" Sandy flops down onto his dream cloudy and I pat the top of his head soothingly. "Its been a long time old friend! What is big news?" North's voice booms out loudly in his strong Russian accent.

The moon light intensifies and I roll my eyes at Manny's dramatics. A circle of moonlight covers the Guardian symbol on the floor and we all stand at our respective points. A shadow of Pitch appears and Tooth gasps loudly while I tighten the hold I had the hilt of my sword. Manny hadn't let me fight with the guardians during the dark ages but it was clear that he wanted me to fight this time or he would have found a way to lock me in my kingdom. Again.

The image of Pitch fades and the centre piece opens up and a crystal rises from the ground. Moonlight fills the crystal and we all watch as an image of our newest guardian shows. Bunny chants under his breath "Please not the Groundhog" after Sandy creates a clover over his head.

I hide a smile when the image fully forms and I see who it is.

The image of a young boy, around 17, in a hooded jacket and hooked staff appears. I smile when I see all the baby fairies swoon at the sight. "Jack Frost" Nick sounded surprised and slightly confused. Bunny let out a groan of annoyance "Uh, I take it back. The Groundhog's fine."

Tooth looks at the image dreamily and I have to place my hand over my mouth to hold back the laughter, when Tooth realises what she's doing and snaps herself out of it "As long as he helps to protect the children. Right?"

"Jack Frost? He doesn't care about children! All right? All he does is freeze water pipes and mess with my egg hunts! All right? He's an irresponsible, selfish..."

"Enough! You know nothing about him." I point the tip of my blade to his nose before releasing tendrils of light into the air. The light forms moving image over my head, each one showcasing a few times when Jack went out of his way to make a child laugh or smile.

Bunny sees this and finally shuts up. After a short discussion Sandy, Bunny and a few Yeti's go after Jack while the rest of us stay at the pole.

Angel of healing and love - Nicholas St.NorthWhere stories live. Discover now