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"Buckle up. It's funny." North laughs as he finally gets off the ground and helps me up. "Welcome to the warren!" 

Bunny hears something as his ears start to twitch "Something's up." Just then a cluster of eggs come skittering in on tiny legs. We all immediately become defensive only for Sophie to come running out. Oh, I forgot about that.

We freeze when we see her before quickly hiding our weapons with a nervous chuckle "What is she doing here?" She runs off after an elf and Bunny turns around to North. I watch amused as North pats down his coat. "Ah, snow globe."

"Crikey! Somebody do something" Bunny looks to Jack "Oh, don't look at me. I'm invisible, remember?"

I roll my eyes at the genuine panic they all had. I was about to step in when Tooth steps forward. "Don't worry, Bunny. I bet she's a fairy fan." Tooth says in a sing song voice towards the end and flies smoothly around the young girl. "It's okay, little one."

"Pretty." Sophie signs happily and Tooth blushes "Awe! You know what? I've got something for you! Here it is! Look at all the pretty teeth, with little blood and gum on them!" I facepalm so hard I actually had to rub my forehead to sooth the pain. Sophie looks up at Tooth sunned before bursting into tears. 

I quickly remove the glamour from myself and become visible. My hair becomes longer, almost reaching mid thigh in its soft curls. My height becomes a little taller and my clothes change from my armour to a floor length, flowy dress. I ignore everyone else's reaction and gently pick Sophie up. She calms instantly as I hold her on my hip. "It's okay, my little Aster." I sway her side to side and hum under my breath. Jack notices the tune instantly and starts hitting his staff against the ground lightly to the tune. I smile at him as Sophie stops sniffling. 

I fix her hair and place her carefully back on the ground. I smile when she belly flops onto my wings and I wave it around a little shaking her about. Her giggles fill the Warren making everyone relax fully before smiling at the adorable child. Her action was something I was used to since Jack would do it occasionally, especially when I was doing something important and he was bored. 

"Blood and gums? When was the last time you actually hang out with the kids?" Jack asks, since Sophie doesn't see him, she wouldn't hear him either. I start playing peek-a-boo with Sophie while the others talk.

"We are very busy bringing joy to children. We don't have time...for children" North's voice turn to a whisper at the end before he lets out a small 'oh'. I shake my head at them a little knowing they all reached the same realisation at the same time.

"If one little kid can ruin Easter, then we are in worse shape then I thought." Jack then creates a single snowflake and pushes it towards Bunny. The flake hits his nose before it bursts into small swirls of white and blue. His eyes take on a similar hue before he smiles in a way I don't think I have ever seen before. 

Sophie gets off my wings and follows after bunny when he motions for us to join him. We all follow him through the Warren and I ruffle Jacks hair with my wing tip, I smile when some of his hear stands on the very ends. North sees as well and lets out a hearty chuckle. 

We enter a more open part of the Warren and I watch fascinated as eggs fell out of these pink and yellow flowers before gently dropping to the floor and running on tiny legs. It was cute but also a little freaky.  What was adorable though was watching Bunny interact with Sophie. A row of bluebells dropped coloured powder onto the eggs that ran below them, turning them pastel shades of blue, pink and yellow.

The eggs carried Sophie around and North and I jumped up onto rocks and stood above her, we both waved with cheesy smiles as she giggled up at us. 

I laugh when they baby teeth and I watch an elf push an egg into the river. The elf stuck his tongue out but freezes when he sees the amount of eggs rushing up behind him. He fell into the lake as well and I fly above to make sure he was alright. I let out a relieved breath when he climbs out on an opposite bank, his usual red outfit now multicoloured and tie dyed. 

"There will be springtime! On every continent! And I'm bringing hope with me!" a giddy smile takes over my face at Bunny's speech. I skip over a few eggs as I twirls around, only stopping when I hear Bunny tell one of the Yeti's to paint the eggs blue. I notice it was the same Yeti as before so I re-join him, and help change the eggs. Some I turn blue others I make purple. 

I clutch my necklace and ask a few of my angles to portal me some baskets. They do and I pack as many eggs into them as I can before sending them back with the order to start hiding them around some of the cities. There were probably a thousand eggs in total that the angles would deliver. We were almost done when my third pendent glows silver. This one was in two pieces and each side linked with one of my daughters. Htebazile was trying to contact me. I hold it and focus on her. "What's wrong little one?"

"Momma, Tori's busy and no one else will spend time with me. There all running around. I'm scared." She sobs at the end and it breaks me heart. "Okay, I'll be there in a moment Little angel." We say goodbye to each other and I turn to the others. They were all ready looking at me. They must have heard.

"Go. we can handle things here. I still have my pendent if we need you." Jack orders and pulls his snowflake pendent out of his hoodie to prove that he still had it. I kiss his cheek before flying up through an opening in the ceiling. Throwing a portal above me as I do and I fly through back to my kingdom. 


The name Sophie means Wisdom as does the flower Aster. Hence the nickname. For those who want to know what Asters look like:

 For those who want to know what Asters look like:

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Angel's dress in this chapter:

Angel's dress in this chapter:

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Angel of healing and love - Nicholas St.NorthWhere stories live. Discover now