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We finish painting them all when I hear a small commotion from the others upstairs. Bunny runs past and grabs my hand as he does, pulling we with him and off the table. I wince as the robots clatter to the ground.

"We've got a problem mate. Trouble at the tooth palace" North grabs his jacket and hat and we all follow him out to the stables where the reindeer and sleigh were. "North! North! I told you I'm not going with you guys! There is no way I'm climbing into some rickety old...Sleigh? Okay. One ride, but that's it." I chuckle when Jack quickly changed his mind after seeing the sleigh.

"Everyone loves the Sleigh!"

Realising what was about to happen I turn to North "um, do you have something I can cover my wings with. They will freeze in the cold if I'm not careful."

North looks at me for a moment as I tilt my head in question. "No, but I have idea. Get in front" I look at him questioningly but do as he says. Once everyone else in in the sleigh, everyone apart from bunny, North sat down on the same bench as me. Except he sat directly behind me, his legs on either side of me. I tuck my wings in and move forward slightly so he would have more room. He grabs the reins, his arms going around me as he does.

Since I was small my head barely even came up to his shoulders so he had no problem seeing over me. "Bunny, what are you waiting for?"

"I think my tunnels might be faster, mate, and, um, and safer." Bunny kicks the sleigh a few times as if to prove his point. "Ugh! get in!" North grabs Bunny by the back of the neck and lifts him into the sleigh effortlessly. I smirk at the sound that Bunny made and I could tell Jack was doing the same.

"Buckle up!" North shouts as he takes the reigns back in his hands. Bunny's panicked voice follows shortly after "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where are the bloody seatbelts?"

"HA! That was just expression. Are we ready?" The Yeti next to us shakes his head and tries to stop Nick but he ignores him "Good. Let's go! Clear!"

North snaps the reigns and when the sleigh starts moving I hold on to North's arm since there wasn't anything else I could reach. I feel the cold air bite at my wings so I snuggle back into him, allowing his body heat to protect them. He leans his head down to me with a chuckle. "Your so tiny"

I blush slightly but elbow him in the ribs. "I may be tiny but I can still win in a fight against you."

"I don't doubt you can little angel." As we go through the tunnels Bunny screams the whole time while North laugh, my body moving as his chest vibrates. His laugh turns slightly manic and turns to look over at the others "I hop you like the loopty-loops."

"I hope you like carrots" I hear Bunny comment making me laugh at the image of a terrified over grown rabbit that fills my mind. Bunny screams the loudest ones were air born and I can tell Jack was having far too much fun watching him.

"Hey Bunny. Check out this view." I hear my son say before he screams. I stand up and look over North's shoulder in time to see Jack fall. I don't panic though since I knew the air currents were strong enough for him to fly up here. I stay standing and hold on to Norths shoulders to keep my balance. He sees me shiver form the cold and moves his arms closer around me to keep me warm. I smile and kiss his cheek in thanks.

"North! He's..." Bunny pants nervously before looking over the edge. "Aw, you do care." I roll my eyes at my son's voice.

"Oh, rack off, you bloody show pony!" Jack gets back into the sleigh and I narrow my eyes at him slightly. "Jack stop annoying Bunny. I'm certain that he's not afraid to be sick on you right now. And Bunny stop reacting. Your making this more fun for him."

Bunny closes his eyes and starts taking some deep breaths while Jack turns slightly apologetic "Sorry Mama."

"It's okay frost bite." I give him a small smile before sitting back down. I could feel the membrane beneath my feathers becoming tighter from the cold. I take the sides of North's coat and wrap them around me as I lean against him. My head was visible rom the top. I blush when I feel him rest his chin on top of my head.

"Hold on, everyone! I know a shortcut." North pulls a snow globe from his pocket and speaks our destination into it before launching it into the air before us.

"Oh, strewth, I knew I should've taken the tunnels" A portal opens up and North increases our speed to get through it. Since it was warmer here I jump off the edge of the sleigh and fly above it. My large wings spread out on either side as I glide. A bunch of black horse like creatures fly towards us and I use my wings to shield myself. I manage to grab one of the baby teeth that they were taking and hold her close to me, I see Jack jump up to grab another.

I sit back down in the Sleigh, my back against North's as I help calm down the little shaking creature in my hands. I send another calming pulse to the one Jack was holding. The poor little things were terrified. "Your okay little one."

North jumps up making me fall back with a shriek as he hands the reigns to Jack. I sit back up just to get showered in black dust and a few gold cylinders clatter to the floor.  "Jack! look out." My son sees that we were about to crash and pull the reign harshly to avoid the hit. We land without anyone getting hurt. 

Angel of healing and love - Nicholas St.NorthWhere stories live. Discover now