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Jack blushes when he notices my expression and nudges me away from him slightly. I smile at him and wipe away my tears. Jack looks around before turning to me. "Wait, wheres bunny?"

"Losing Easter took it's toll on all of us. Bunny the most" North informs him sadly while steeping to the side to show Bunny's new state. Jaimie crouches down and starts rubbing him behind the ears. "That's the Easter bunny. What happened to him? He used to be huge and cool...and now he's cute." Bunny starts thumping his foot on the floor at the sensation before pushing the childs hands way and glazing at Jack.

"Did you tell him to say that? That's it! Lets go me! Me and you! Come on!" Bunny hops over to Jack and kicks him in the shin a few times. Jamie stops Bunny's movements "No. Actually he told me you were real. Just when I started to think that maybe you weren't."

"He made you believe? In me?" At hearing Jaime's words Bunny practically melts into an adorable puddle of fur and puppy dog eyes. I clear my throat to break the weird tension that Bunny was creating. My interruption wasn't needed though as thunder roars in the distance scaring the tiny creature. I bend down and scoop Bunny up. I place him on the top of my wings. We look up to see Pitch above is at a distance standing on a cloud of black sand with a storm rolling in the background. We all stood together and I drew my swords. "Get Jaime out of here." Jack says to us and I nod, letting him go. As much as I hated to leave him to fight by himself, he was the strongest out of all of us right now.

"Be careful Jack!" North and I shout after him at the same time. We look at each other before ushering the others away from Pitch. Bunny jumps down from my wings and hops ahead of us. I used my magic to put a pair of shoes onto Jaime's feet so he would hurt his feet. We runs, following Bunny and end up in a dead end. I use my wing to push Jaime behind me protectively.

I hear a groan followed by Jack landing on a dumpster. "Jack!" I run over an help him up, using what little energy I have left to heal him. 

"That was goof try Jack. 'A' for effort." North comments as he helps me balance Jack, All the while resting his own weight on his sword.

"He's stronger. I can't beat him." North and I look at each other worried while Tooth and Bunny do the same. The area we where in begins to darken and Pitch's shadow passes over us while his laughter echoes off the walls. I use my wings to shield Jamie and Jack, my swords in hand. 

"Aw. All this fuss over one little boy, and still he refuses to stop believing. Very well. There are other ways to snuff out a light." Pitch causes the street lights around us to explode as he says this, increasing the darkness around us. I feel Jaimie's small hands on my wings and gasp when a light forms where his hands rested. I feel more of my strength return as his fear decreases a little. 

"If you want his your going to have to go through me" Bunny says as he steps forwards and the shadow of Pitch's hand stretches' out "Look how fluffy you are. Would you like a scratch behind the ear?" Pitch mocks as his shadow pretends to stroke Bunny. Bunny quickly hops into North hand to avoid the shadow, not wanting to be touched. "Don't you even think about it."

"I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see you all like this. You look awful." Pitch finally shows up in his true form, his nightmares surrounding him

"Jack, Angel, I'm scared." I near Jaime pant from behind me. Jack and I turn to the young boy and both crouch down. I open my arms and Jaime jumps into them, distracting himself from the fear he was feeling by playing with the necklaces I wore. Jack tris to help me reassure him

"Everything's going to be okay. We're going to have a little fun instead. That's it! That's my center!" Jack exclaims happily and I smile. "The spirit of winter, guardian of fun." I say proudly and kiss his forehead. We both stand and  keep Jaimie in my arms.

"So what do you think Jaime. Do you believe in the Boogey.." Before he can finish he was hit in the face by a snowball. Everyone freezes in shock, even the nightmares look to each other in surprise, and I look to my son only to find him smirking. Jaime laughs and a little more of my light returns.

"How about we go get some friends of yours?" Jack says as he grabs a lid from one of the metal bins. I smirk and sit Jaime on top of the lid and Jack quickly creates a path of ice.

Before Pitch can register what is happening we all slide away on the ice. With everyone laughing and having fun I regain the use of my wings and fly above them. I use the air currents from my wings to keep Jack up in the air. 

Jack create a loop and North catches Bunny mid air as he falls out of the giant Wok he had been sledding in. Along the way Jack throws snowballs at the kids windows, making it snow in their rooms. The little ones start making it out of their houses all bundled up as she ran around laughing and discovering the others. I smile as my energy starts coming back. I notice Jaimie looking at me curiously after Jack and flown him up to a window. He points to the others. Understanding what he meant I ruffle my feathers a little and land in front of them. The kids all stop and stare at me before running forward and jumping onto my wings. I laugh as I catch them all 

I look up and blush at the look North was giving me. He smile when he notices and I look away, focusing in the kids. Jack finally returns with Jaime and another kid joins us. 

I can't help my feeling of pride when all of the kids run over to Jack and he makes little snow clouds above them. My son was finally being seen. 

Angel of healing and love - Nicholas St.NorthWhere stories live. Discover now