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Jack snuggled into my side as we ride back to the pole and North gave me a his jacket to cover my wings. When we get their we all remain silent as we set down candles for Sandy around his guardian emblem on the floor. Jack had wondered off, wanting to be alone for a little while.

The Yeti's and elves join us. I stood between North and Tooth, while Bunny stood next to her. Tooth and I set down our candles next to each other at the top of the Emblem before taking each others hands. We give each other a small smile and I turn to North, holding my hand out to him. His giant hand engulfs mine as I was only able to hold two of his fingers comfortably. If the situation had been any different I would have laughed at the difference.

We stand in silence as the elves tilt their heads back and forth creating a tune with the bells. After a while we all break apart and I go looking for my son. I find him sitting on a window bench, I give him a sad smile before sitting next to him. I instinctively wrap by wing around him to provide comfort. He snuggles into them and rests his head on my shoulder. I play with his hair and place a kiss to the top of his head. "It's not your fault, you know. It's Pitch's and we are going to stop him." I say my voice soft but truthful. 

He sighed and leant back before shifting to lean against the wall and face me. He opens his mouth to say something but quickly closes in and presses his head into his raised knees. I watch as he takes a few deep breathes before sitting back up and touching the tip of his little finger against the glass. We both watch on as frost spirals out across the surface and forms the shape of Sandy

"Are you alright?" I look up and smile at North. He nods his head to Jack and I get up from me seat before moving to the side, not wanting to interrupt but also not wanting to leave my only son right now.

"I just...I wish I could've done something."

"Done something? Jack, you stood up to Pitch. You saved us!" North tell him as takes my seat, his tall frame completely dwarfing  Jack. "But Sandy..."

"Would be proud of what you did." North and I cut of my sons thoughts. We look at each other before North focuses back on Jack. "I don't know who you were in your post life. But in this life, you are Guardian"

"How can I know who I am until I find out who I was?" My heart breaks a little at his words and I step forward, wrapping him in my wings and arms once more. "Oh, My little snowflake. You will, and we will be here every step of the way as you figure it out."

He smiles and crouches down a little so I could rest my head atop of his. North chuckles in amusement, before ruffling the back of Jacks head and leaving us to our moment. When we finally do re-join the others they were standing around looking at the globe. "Look how fast they're going out." I look up when tooth says this as I watch as little golden lights flicker on and off a few times before going out.

"It's fear. He's tipped the balance" Jack says as he flies up to get a closer look. I frown as I hold my crystal in hand as it switches rapidly from red to black and back again. I knew my angels would do everything they could to help but I could feel the fear creeping back in faster then they could destroy it. 

"Hey, buck up, you sad sacks! We can still turn this around! Easter is tomorrow. And I need your help. I say we pull out all the stops and we get those little lights flickering again." I smirk at Bunny's motivational speech and watch as the others all stand a little straighter. We all get ready to leave.

"Bunny is right. As much as it pains me to say, old friend, this time, Easter is more important then Christmas." I chuckle at the expression on Bunny's face while North walks away. "hey, did everyone hear that?"

"Heard it and recorded it." I whisper to him as I pass him the small recorder. He takes it as if it was the most precious thing in the world and does a happy little thump. 

"We must hurry to the warren. Everyone! To the sleigh!"

"Oh, no, mate. My warren my rules. Buckle up" With that I flatter my wings and hover of the ground while Bunny taps his paws on the ground and opens a large tunnel under us. Everyone, but Bunny and I, fall through all at once with a scream. We both chuckle but I look at my wings with a frown. I wanted to slide down like the others but my wings were still sensitive from the cold and I didn't want to risk injuring them, especially with what was going on right now with pitch. 

As if reading my thought's Bunny grabs a large, bright red, snow sled and puts it on the ground. I grin and jump on making sure to tuck my wings in. I let out a happy squeal when Bunny pushes me over the edge and I slide down. I hear everyone else's screams turn into laughter of their own. I was happy they still found it in themselves to smile and laugh despite what just happened to Sandy.

We twist and turn down tunnels and at one point even get thrown into the air and each cross each other before landing in out own tunnels once more. The image of Norths expression painted in my mind forever. I come to a stop, slowly spinning in a circle as my giggles slowly fade into the air around me. 

Angel of healing and love - Nicholas St.NorthWhere stories live. Discover now