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Two Days Later.

Raheenah pulled the quilt and covered her face,she wasn't sleepy but what can she do,she is tired from all this. She wished she could resign from this the way she resigned from her job.

"I want to talk to you"he pulled the quilt and sat down on the bed.

"You could've talked to me in the morning but you were busy teaching Maryam how to drive"she retorted jealousy dripping out of her voice.

"Wait,are you jealous?"he questioned a hint of laughter in his voice.

She ignored him and cuddle more with the quilt.

"Seriously, I want to talk to you. Forget about Maryam,this is about us"

Hearing him say us,she wanted to listen to him but she ignored him and started snoring to make him think she is already asleep.

She heard him getting off the bed,he came to her side and squat down in front of her and pecked her forehead.

She thought she was dreaming but opening her eyes to see ridwan right in front of her it dawned to her that she was not dreaming,it was damn real.

"Goodnight,we will talk in the morning"she turned over to the other side and squealed internally,the smile not leaving her face.

Ridwan shook his head and went over to his side and turned off the light.

And they called it a day.

She got dressed in a black denim jeans and white knee-length gown,she packed her hair into a bun and covered her head with a black scarf,done with the look. She sashayed out of the room and went straight to the kitchenette.

She prepared creamy beef,garlic and soft cheese pasta ribbons,her second favourite breakfast. She wanted to make it for lunch but she changed her mind on that.

She served herself and dived into her food,she didn't even care to call ridwan for breakfast,he will come down himself he had to eat before going to work anyways.

Talk of the devil. Ridwan came downstairs cladded in his sky blue caftan and a matching zanna bukar cap.

Is it only me,but damn ! Men look so good in blue,sky blue to be precise. Raheenah shooed the thought away and kept on eating her food.

"Good morning"he greeted taking his seat.

"Morning"she replied coldly.

He served himself and took the first bite.

This food is delicious he mentally complimented,well don't blame him,this is his first time taking this,whatever you call it.

"So..."he trailed off and she looked up almost done with her breakfast. "About what au..."

"Morning ya ridwan"Maryam chimed in pulling a chair. She always finds a way to interrupt him. "Wow,what's this?"she asked opening the warmers and serving herself.

Raheenah ignored her and kept on chewing on her food.

"Ya ridwan,I never knew you had taste for foreign food"raheenah furrowed her brows at Maryam.

"Just mind your business"raheenah snapped picking up her plate,she left the two together.

Seriously,what does she know about ridwan which I don't. She even know his taste of food ?

"Hey,what are you thinking about?"ridwan asked keeping his plate in the sink and turned to raheenah who was lost in her own world.

She shook her head and walked passed him,but he followed her.

She entered her room and fell on her bed,she left the door opened knowing that ridwan is going to come in.

He closed the door behind him and approach her on the bed.

"I'm sorry"he apologized,she sniffed back the tears and turned to face ridwan,her eyes red.

"For?"she questioned her voice cracking.

"For everything,for not being a good husband that you wanted me to be. I'm sorry for being such a fool to not be able to forget my past and move on. We can't keep living like this deceiving ourselves and families,making them think we are a normal couple. I'm tired of you giving me the silent treatment. I want us to try and make everything right. I know it is really hard for me to get over my past but now I've understood one thing;If I keep dwelling on my past nothing is going to change in my life and if muhibbah was here she won't be happy to see me like this and I'm not happy seeing myself like this. And I really hope you are willing to give US a try?"she couldn't help the tears of joy that descended on her cheeks,she didn't care to wipe them off,she stood up and hugged the hell out of ridwan,maybe she has gone too far but she was happy he said that to her.

"I'm sorry heenah for making your life a mess,you were happy without having me in your life but then I came along and you were forced to marry me. I should've tried my best to keep you happy knowing that all this is not your fault but I was too stupid to realise anything at the moment"he whispered to her ear hugging her back,not letting her go.

Raheenah opened her mouth to talk but nothing came except a sob. The only thing she knows right now is she is never letting him go,never.

"Won't you say anything?"she shook her head at him, bursting into another fit of tears. "Okay then,please stop crying"

"Come let me show you something"she wiped off her tears and ridwan dragged her out of the room.

She watched him as he opened the door to muhibbah's room and they entered with him holding onto her hand tightly.

"This was muhibbah's room"he stated sadly. Raheenah looked around the room and smiled sadly at him. He sat her down on the dusty bed and brought out something from the closet.

He handed her a black diary with different girly stickers on it. She collected it and gave him a quizzical look.

"What's this?"

"It's muhibbah's diary"he answered slipping himself beside her on the bed.



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