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Maryam swallowed a lump of her own saliva and said. "Ya ridwan"

The pain she felt on her cheeks made her realise that her mother slapped her. She immediately reach for her cheeks and rubbed it to reduce the pain.

If she could rubbed her heart to reduce the pain,she is feeling in there she would've done it since.

Love pains !

"What did you just say ? I really hope I didn't hear you right"her snapped pointing her index finger at her.

"Yes Maa,I love him so much. I love ya ridwan so much that it became unbearable for me to see him with anyone, I__"her mother cut her off with another slap. She fell on the floor with a loud thud and winced in pain.

"Are you really in your senses Maryam, I can't believe I gave birth to you. How could you even say that you love your sister's husband,the man who is already married and living happily with his wife. You are not even ashamed of saying it to my face. Let me tell you something,you must marry Umar and forget about your so called love for ridwan. For Allah's sake what were you even thinking, I'm still trying to process the fact that you just told me you love ridwan,a married man for that matter. Don't think I'm against getting married off to a married man,no I'm not is just that he was your sister's husband and I don't feel right about it. You better set your brain and understand what you really want,no matter what you do in life don't follow your heart.

And right now,you will get up clean those tears and come downstairs because I'm not cutting off this marriage, don't disobey me"with that she left the room. She couldn't help but to be strict to her own daughter. If she is nice to her she won't understand what she is putting herself through.

She stood by the stairs and took a deep breath. Getting Maryam married off was a good idea. She has already gotten her a nice and handsome suitor,she won't let it slide. And she will make sure of that.

Maryam sniffed back the tears and sat down on the tiled floor her back resting on the bed and her legs pulled up to her chest as she sobbed.

Everything was going right.

But then in a blink of an eye everything has gone wrong.

What has she ever done in life to deserve this hatred from her own mother; she thought shaking her head,the tears slipping down her cheeks.

I'm being punished for what I did. Ya Allah, forgive me for all of my sins and help me always turn to You seeking forgiveness and Mercy untill I die. Waqur rabbighfir warham wa'anta khairur rahimeen. She mentally prayed.

She let out a sharp breath and entered the bathroom to rinse off her face. She splashed the water on her face and stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her mother's words ringing in her head;

No matter what you do in life don't follow your heart.

She shut her eyes quickly and blew out her cheeks. In one way or the other, she found what her mother said right.

What was she thinking ?.

She dashed out of the bathroom and set her face up,even though her eyes are still red she made her way downstairs the tears threatening to fall. Now she knows how it feels to be deprived of love. She knows how it feels when you're forced to stay away from your love.

Now she has understood how raheenah was feeling when she came into her life to take her husband away from her. She feel disgusted by her own actions.

Everyone's eyes were glued to her little figure as she descend down the stairs. She faked a smile at them trying to hide the pain she is feeling inside of her and the tears that are threatening to fall off from her eyeballs.

She said her tasleem to which they all replied and took her sit. Her head down.

"We should let them talk privately,in the meantime we will discuss about the wedding and all that"umar's mother suggested and she gave way for the tears to fall,she quickly wiped it off and sniffed quietly.

"Yes that's a good idea"the other Lady agreed and her mother nodded with a small smile. She is still worried as heck that her daughter will do something stupid.

"Maryam take him to the garden and talk there"her mother stated and she nodded her head muttering ' okay ' which they heard and took it as shyness.

Maryam stood up and led the way with umar trailing behind her,his eyes focused on his phone screen doing nothing in particular.

She stopped when they reach the place. It is a nice and cozy environment. Designed with different trees and flowers. She took her sit on the long bench and waited for him to do the same.

But he didn't.

Is he expecting me to offer him a sit ? Pffft !

She finally raise her head to meet his. She rose a brow at him and he shoved the phone In his pocket,flashed her his choicest camera smile and took his sit.

He cleared his throat and said. "Hey"from his voice,she knew he was nervous.

She wasn't planning on answering him,why would she when it was half of his fault.

If he never existed Maa will never force me to marry him.

"Hey"he repeated a little bit louder this time. He thought she hadn't heard him the first time.

"I heard you the first time"she snapped anger coiling in her blood.

Thinking about everything is making her angry and seeing the guy beside her and also hearing his voice is taking her anger to another level.

Despite the fact his ' Hey ' was pissing her off,he shot a question at her. The one she never expected to hear from him.

"Do you sincerely want to marry me or someone forced you?"she stared at him,her face held a blank expression.

She looked away and blinked allowing the tears to glide down her cheeks freely,she needed to let it out.

Hello !

guess who updated ?

Meeee !

Yup I still can't believe I updated....

Anyways I really hope you've enjoyed the update....

Adiós !



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