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With every step she takes her heart beat increases. She was sweating profusely. She isn't sure if the decision she is about to take is right or not.

But is for the best.

What will ridwan think of her ?

She isn't sure for that. She can't give up on her love so easily she will try and if it doesn't work out for her she will try her best to move on.

She was by the doorstep for 10 minutes but couldn't bring herself to knock on the door. She took in a deep breath and knock softly.

The voice she despised so much answered from the inside and right at that moment she felt like going back but before she was able to do that the door swung open and Haidar flashed her a goofy smile and ushered her in.

"Long time no see,maryama"he stated and smirked.

She bit her lower lip and sighed lowly. "I didn't expect to see you here Haidar"

He rose his brows at her and snickered. "Well, I'm here"

He shrugged taking his seat pulling his phone from his pocket. "Have a sit"

"Uh.. no thank you. Where is Ya ridwan?"she questioned nervously.

"He went to pick up Aryan from the airport"he replied nonchalantly surfing through his phone.

"Is he staying long?"she questioned.

"No. Why?"

"Nothing important"she lied feeling a little bit sad about him not around. She needed to tell him as quick as possible before her mother and that Umar of a guy ruin everything.

She clearly knows that by now her mother is worried heck about her whereabout. She might even think that she came to ridwan's house and that won't be good.

Meanwhile, Ruhainah and laiba came downstairs with laiba's arms draped on ruhainah's shoulder.

"Tell me the truth,I know you can't wait for Ya Aryan to come right?"laiba asked teasingly. Wiggling her eyebrows at ruhainah.

Ruhainah smiled shaking her head. She removed laiba's hands away from her shoulder and said. "I won't lie to you, I'm indeed very eager to meet him"

Laiba smacked her playfully and rolled her eyes. "you're not even shy. I shouldn't have asked you"

"What were you expecting me to say la_"they both stopped seeing Haidar staring intensely at them, probably waiting for them to finish their conversation so he could ask them what they were talking about.

Laiba stared at him well mostly checking him out. He looked dashing in his light brown caftan. The Zanna Bukar cap he was wearing made his champagne brown eyes to glitter.

She immediately looked away. Completely embarrassed,she was shamelessly checking him out.

"Ruhainah what were you saying about Aryan?"he wiggled his brows rising to his feet. He shoved his phone in his pocket and matched towards them. The scent of his cologne made laiba's breath hitched for a moment.

"Nothing Haidar, eavesdropping in a girl's convo is not good"he chuckled lightly.

"No worries. I will ask him myself"ruhainah shrugged and moved her eyes to the other side of the room and it locked with that of maryam's.

Ruhainah stared at her. Her eyes flaring up with anger. Right there,she felt like strangling her for being the reason behind her sister's condition.

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