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In case you ever foolishly forget: I am never not thinking of you

—virginia woolf

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Adore You - Harry Styles

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"Mom!" I yelled, in the midst of the frantic ferreting around in the contents of my navy blue suitcase. "Where's my beanie?"

"What beanie, dear?" Her response was muffled.

"The burgundy one!" Or the only beanie I ever wore, due to it being my favorite. She finally appeared from around the corner.

Immediately, her face was overcome by an easygoing smirk. I pitched a disoriented 'what?' look in her direction. She walked towards me, slowly. "You mean this beanie?" She reached to take my headwear off, which — in the very deed — was the beanie.

"Oh." I vacantly gawked at it, awkwardly standing before my mother's amused frame.

A row of repeated car horns pierced the air. I cringed in second-hand embarrassment at Dominic's immodest nature, rushing outside.

"No goodbye hug?" My mother stood with her arms wide open, as I turned back and sank myself into them.

She gave my cheek a minute kiss. "Take care, honey. I love you."

"Love you too Mom!" I chimed and sprung outside, directing myself towards Dominic's bright red Audi.

The car already contained Sydney and Cameron, my house being the last one on the way to the airport. Both of the gentlemen stepped out of the car to help me set my suitcase into the truck. How chivalrous of them. And unneeded, really.

"Holy cow! Is this thing heavy!" Dominic complained, chucking my compact suitcase into the truck, effortfully.

"How typical of you, Aud." Syd snickered from the front seat, as we all got inside. "We're only staying for one weekend, you do know that, right?"

I rolled my eyes at her mockery. "Says the one who's surely brought her three-pound Canon along."

"Uh, yeah, cause that's like the main reason for the trip! Have you seen the views from up there?! Oh my gosh, you guys will freak out," she accentuated, gesticulating vehemently.

"You've raised our expectations so much, it better not turn out disappointing," Dominic pointed out as he drove.

"Literally," Cam agreed.

"It definitely won't. Oh my gosh, it's actually happening. I'm so excited!" Euphoria percolated through her squeaking as she raised her arms up high.

"Yeah, I think we got that by now," I contained the snigger. "Wasn't Melanie coming?"

I spoke my thoughts out loud, noticing how we were entering the suburbs, on our way to the airport already.

"She is. We agreed to meet at the airport," Syd filled my question in instantly. "By the way, where're you leaving the car?" Her frown shaped her inquiry. 

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