38 | tradition

201 26 10

I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently?

—lewis carroll

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18 - One Direction

Perfect - Ed Sheeran 

(watch the official music video for this chapter)

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After the intense skiing day, I sank into the relief of a long warm shower, then changed into a simple overall dress over a mustard yellow turtleneck, and tied my hair up into a half-up bun.

I was informed, later today, that apparently this resort had a performance hall upstairs, which they made use of sporadically by holding out mini 'concerts' and 'parties' when the flux of visitors was plentiful. Tonight just so happened to be one of those nights.

However, according to Syd and Melanie (to whom this resort was virtually a winter cottage home), those parties always ended up an utter flop. So, instead, they announced they were taking us someplace in a tone that insinuated the involvement of monkey business. But not before stopping by one of the numberless coffee machines dispersed around the resort. Honestly, those things were more frequently encountered than rubbish bins here.

Hot mugs in hands, we tippy-toed upstairs behind the two girls' lead. Syd gently closed the door behind us once we were all inside the remote little room.

The place was like a mini lounge room — its coziness radiant. There was a fireplace, an armchair, and a couch — all surrounding a fluffy carpet in the center.

Melanie immediately pounced onto the aforesaid armchair and reached towards the top shelf of the partridge-wood cabinet right behind it. 

"Ah! Here it is. Just the way we left it," she gradually exposed a large Monopoly board box, turning it upwards to blow the layer of dust off. 

"As usual," Syd's hands lifted up to receive the board.

"Um. Anyone gonna explain what we're doing here?" Dominic threw casually.

"Following the tradition," Syd set the board down onto the carpet, opening it.

"We've discovered the existence of this room many years ago. I don't know what it's originally for, but no one seems to come in here," Melanie — unlike her cousin — was taking the explanation task seriously.

"And it's cozy. So as long as we're quiet enough, we can stay here playing board games the whole night." Syd crouched down beside the fireplace, her inspective gaze stopping at the finding of a handle-shaped switch. Blazing flames leaped up with a hiss as she twisted the knob. 

"So you're not sure we're allowed to be here?" I took a sip from my scalding hot chocolate. 

Syd's snort was explosive. "I'm sure we aren't."

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