18 | scars

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There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate

—charles dickens

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Memories - Maroon 5

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"Have you ever considered getting light-toned streaks? Your hair'd look bomb." Syd remarked from behind me, pulling on straps of my hair and intertwining them together thoroughly. She was practising a fancy new style of braided buns à la Sydney Foster on me.

Syd's parents had taken the brothers to a winter fair so we were home alone at hers, supposedly having our long-awaited study date. Supposedly being the keyword here, since this was already the second half-hour-long study break we'd taken from a 15-minute study session. 

As a replacement for going to Barry's, we'd decided to play bakers ourselves and went for a new Chocolate and Pistachio Viennesse Rolls recipe. It turned out pretty satisfactory. In fact, better than satisfactory, given it was the first time we'd ever seen it. We'd stuffed ourselves with the addictive biscuits like there was no tomorrow while I explained how to apply the laws of logarithms.

It hadn't lasted long—the math explanation bit—given how we were already setting up the Wii for a Just Dance just about a quarter of an hour into it. It didn't take much for Syd to persuade me to take a break—dancing had been my passion for a long time and still was, in a way. However unexpected that is from an introvert like me.

For the one sport I'm actually better at than my best friend, I'm allowed to proudly say I beat her, striking all bonus points and getting the highest rank recorded. I don't remember when was the last time I had this much fun. By the end of a few rounds, we were entirely fagged out and the existence of the two math books getting dusty on the coffee table was downright forgotten. 

Sprawled out on the sage velvet couch with Syd torturing my hair, I was on the verge of giving up on our "study session". I reached for my phone, just to make sure I had no new messages.

Curiously enough though, I did. And guess who's it was.

cam: your feet must be soo tired

Uhhm, okay. What?

me: . . .and why's that now?

cam: cause you've been running through my mind all day

I mentally rolled my eyes but couldn't contain the infinitesimal curve of my lips.

me: omg cam, that has to be the most cringy pick-up line i've yet heard

cam: i knew you'd be impressed

cam: you know, i was thinking, i'm not sure i like the 'strangers' part of our relationship

cam: so we need to get to know each other better. you up for a q&a game?

me: ehhh can't promise anything

cam: don't be such a killjoy, princesa

cam: i'll start 

cam: what's your middle name?

me: what's yours?

cam: i see you don't quite get how this game works

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