6081-6100 Saving people

475 15 0

 Chapter 6081 Appearance 6

  "Roar!" The

  big black dragon roared violently again!

  "Go, go out and have a look!"

  Sect Master Feng took the lead and rushed out.

  Huo Yangyan frowned and followed out.

  The rest of the elders also rushed out.

  That is a black dragon!

  The dragon is huge, at least thousands of meters long and hundreds of meters wide.

  It flew in mid-air, casting a huge shadow on the ground, covering all the people in the square below.

  Each of the scales on the dragon's body was pitch black as ink, flashing a dazzling luster under the sunlight.

  "Roar!" The big black dragon roared down!

  Huo Yangyan's face instantly became ugly.

  Because he can clearly feel that this big black dragon is very difficult to deal with, not only is it difficult to deal with...

  Huo Yang Yan is very clear that he can't deal with the big black dragon at all!

  After the big black dragon roared, it swooped down instantly!

  His goal is not Huo Yang Yan, but the large number of Yang Yan Sect elders behind him.

  "Wow!" The

  big black dragon's bright red tongue rolled over, like a hurricane!

  In an instant, the three elders of the Yanyang Sect were caught in his mouth by his tongue.

  "Crack, creak, creak!"

  The sound of the big black dragon chewing bones came from everyone's ears. At the same time, there was still a trace of blood flowing out of its mouth... it

  was the blood of the three elders... the

  big black dragon was actually there. Cannibalism in front of people!

  And it was the elders of Yangyan Sect who ate it!

  And I ate three people as soon as I ate!

  Huo Yangyan's face is unprecedentedly solemn!

  On the contrary, the elders of the Heavenly Dao Sect, who were originally demoralized and in a decadent atmosphere, seemed to be alive again in an instant!

  OMG! Big black dragon!

  How could they forget the big black dragon? !

  You know, when the big black dragon came out, he sat down and killed the twenty elders of the Yangyan Sect!

  Yes, yes, the big black dragon is Su Luo's mount!

  After the big black dragon finished eating the three elders, those cold eyes shot at Huo Yangyan's back again.

  The elders of the Yanyang Sect instantly felt tight, and all took a step back!

  The scene at the scene has a very funny feeling.

  If the elders of the Yanyang Sect are chickens, then Fire Yangyan is the hen that protects the chickens, and the huge black dragon hovering in mid-air is the eagle that catches the chickens.

  "Roar!" The big black dragon roared again!

  In an instant, the five elders were caught in the mouth by their tongues, and then there was the sound of chewing bones.

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