06 | Fortelling Erudition

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"UGH, THIS HEAT is unbearable," I muttered to myself as I shifted from foot to foot in the slow-moving line at the coffee shop

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"UGH, THIS HEAT is unbearable," I muttered to
myself as I shifted from foot to foot in the slow-moving line at the coffee shop.

It was early afternoon and the burning sun and hot air were clinging to my bare legs, leaving my skin feeling uncomfortable and sticky. The only respite came from the small blast of air conditioning at the entrance.

The weather was unusually warm for an autumn day. However, it gave me the chance to dress up in my favourite purple sundress and the chance to appreciate the golden glow that kissed the shop's charming interior.

The coffee shop felt cosy with its rustic-looking wooden tables and matching chairs. The walls were lined with dark brick and the counters and shelves were adorned with black accents, adding a touch of elegance.

As I observed the only two baristas manoeuvring through a sea of cups and working tirelessly to fulfil the flood of orders, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy. The overwhelming demand for cold drinks was likely a result of the scorching heat outside, and it was clear that the baristas were doing their best to keep up with the rush.

"What can I get for you, today?" I was greeted when I finally reached the counter.

"Three bottles of water, please," I said to the blonde woman working the cash register. "And could I also get one of those muffins?" I pointed to the display case, my mouth nearly watering at the sight of all the freshly baked goodies.

The woman nodded, punching in my order before ringing me up with a tired smile.

Balancing the water and muffin in one hand, I stuffed the bottles into my bag and made my way out of the shop.

I smiled warmly at the old man, who had been keeping an eye on Atlas for me while I popped into the coffee shop.

"Thank you so much for watching over Atlas," I said gratefully. The cute, fluffy dog wagged his tail excitedly at the sound of his name.

"Here you go," I said, handing one of the bottles to the old man who had been watching over Atlas. "The barista gave me an extra one, and I thought you might like it." I smiled, pretending that I had received it by mistake, but really I wanted to do something nice for the kind stranger

"Do you fancy a game with fate?" He waggled his grey eyebrows in a playful manner.

"Sure," I grinned in amusement.

The old man rummaged through the pockets of his oversized coat, finally producing a pack of cards.

How could he be wearing such a big coat in this heat?

"Tarot cards," I acknowledged.

Nodding, the old man shuffled the deck expertly, his wrinkled hands surprisingly nimble. "Allow me to reveal the secrets of your past, present and future, my dear," he said with a twinkle in his eye.

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