01 | Doting Erudition

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I exhaled harshly through my nose, trying to ignore my trembling fingers

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I exhaled harshly through my nose, trying to ignore my trembling fingers. Autumn had officially arrived; the nights were darker and the air was colder.

I pulled my jacket closer to my body in an attempt to keep myself as warm as possible as I waited for my mother to open the door.

At the sound of light footsteps and a click of the door, I blew a breath of relief, watching as the small cloud of mist floated away into the sky to reveal the riant face of my mother in her favourite purple sweater that she only ever wore when I came round.

She said it was the sweater she was wearing when she found out she was pregnant with me and now thinks of it as some sort of good omen.

"Zahra," she said, voice ecstatic as she tugged me through the threshold and into her dulcet arms.

"Mama," I smiled, returning the hug and her enthusiasm.

She pulled back from the embrace and I fought back the urge to roll my eyes at her watery eyes. "Sebastian told me about the club you got invited to," she was practically bouncing, "I am so proud of you, baby."

"Thank you, mama," I chuckled.

I would never admit it to her, in fear she would never let me live it down, but her praise meant a lot to me.

I tugged my arms away from her hold and removed my jacket, turning around to hang it on the wooden peg, labelled Zahra, she had gotten made for me when I was four.

My mother was already on her way to the dining room when I turned back around. I started to follow after her until a familiar ringtone began to ring out and echo throughout the icterine hallway.

"I'll be there in a second, mama," I called out to her retreating figure.

I turned back to my jacket and reached into the side pocket, pulling out the loud device, rolling my eyes at the name that was flashing across the screen.

"Adanya," I answered.

"Bitch," Adanya's voice screeched from the speaker, "Why am I just finding out that you got invited to Romero Vitale's exclusive book club?"

I snorted at her words. "It's not that big of a deal Ad. Plus, Professor Miller only told me an hour ago."

"Not that big of a deal," she mocked. "This is Romero Vitale we're talking about, Zar. That man could give you the biggest advancement in the literary world." She paused as though she was contemplating something. "He's not bad to look at either," she added and I could picture her wicked smirk on the other end of the phone.

"I don't even know the man," I said," he's probably some old man in his sixties looking for something to do while he waits for his next prescription of viagra."

"You can say what you want, Zar, but that man is a whole other level of fine."

"You say that about every guy," I commented.

"Only the ones with heavy pockets."

"Zarah," I heard my mother shout.

"Shit," I breathed, "I gotta go, Ad. I'll see you later."

"Tell mama Yara I said hello and don't forget to tell me all the juicey details of you and Mr "he's probably some man in his sixties"."

"Bye, Adanya," I sighed.

"Don't leave out the details of how he left you drippin-"

I hung up the call before she could finish her sentence. I could already picture her cackling to herself.

With my phone firmly in my hand and slightly reddened cheeks I joined my mother at the dining table that was currently ornate with a plethora of my favourite foods.

I raised a dark brow at my mother's fake innocent face. "All this?"

"Don't look at me like that Zahra," she shook her head in disapproval. "I hardly get to see you with you always at university and with that friend of yours."

"That friend of yours," I repeated with a sly smirk on my face. "Don't act as if you don't love her."

Silent mumbling to herself was her only reply.

I walked over to her. "I'm teasing mama," I laughed at her annoyed face.

"Hmm," she replied turning her head away from me.

I raised my hands to cup her cheeks and began to pepper kisses all over her face. "Come on, mama," I said between kisses, "You know how I love to tease you."

She playfully smacked my hands and freed her face from my attack. I pulled away laughing with mirth.

"Sit down and eat, silly girl," she gestured towards my wooden chair.

I took my seat at the small round table for four and tried to keep my eyes from the empty chair opposite mine.

I took my plate in my left hand and began to spoon piles of the steaming food onto my plate until it was overloaded with shakshuka, grilled halloumi and simit bread

three hours had passed swiftly between random conversations about anything and everything and I now sat bloated and groaning from the ache in my stomach from laughing and eating too much.

Mama lifted another spoon of food towards me.

"No, "I groaned. "No more or I won't be able to make it home."

"You know I don't like you walking him this late at night, Zahra," she gave me a stern look. "I can call your Jaddi and ask him to drive you. home."

"Mama, I'll be fine." I lifted my phone to see the time. "Jaddi will be asleep by now."

I made a move to pick up my plate but dropped it when my mother smacked my hand away.

"No cleaning," she scolded.

I raised my hands in mock surrender. "Okay, okay. I'm leaving it." I rose from my seat and walked to into the main hallway of my mama's house.

I retrieved my black jacket from its position on the peg and put it back on. My mama came from behind me and turned me to face her. "Stay safe, Zahra."

"You know I will, mama," I gripped the cold metal of the door handle and turned it slowly, dreading to be back in the icy air.

"I love you, Zahra." she said, "call me."

"I love you too, mama."

I pulled the door open and turned to the bitter wind with a grin.

finally I got the motivation to write... even if it is when im supposed to be studying for important exams oops. anyways i felt wholesome writing zhara's relationship with her mother.
tell me your thoughts <3

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