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Bryce's POV:

My room is alright and Mackenzie's is next door, I am opposite the male's bathroom while the girls' bathroom is a few doors up.

"Hey, lunch is ready", Mackenzie says by my open door.

"I'll be right down."

She nods and leaves.

I will unpack later and call my parents.

I go to the kitchen where everyone is taking a box from the bags on the counter, they already start putting away groceries.

"Take whatever junk food you want now or else there will not be much left", Avery states.

I take a bag of chips, two packs of skittles, and two chocolate bars.

"Wise choice", Avalon states and takes the bag of cheese snacks.

I take a box and a drink then go to the back to sit and watch the lake, I take out the burger and eat.

"Hey", Donovan comes out and sits next to me, "do you like the view so far?"

I nod, "yeah, it's so refreshing."

"I love coming here especially during the warmer temperature, we have jet skis in the shed", he points to the small concrete-looking house.

"You not worried about thieves?"

"This is private property, no one comes around anyway", he shrugs.

"Do you think we can jet ski tomorrow?" 

"I don't see why not just don't fall in the water", he nods.

"I wouldn't."

We continue to eat in slight.

"I need your advice, Felix leaves at the end of the year so he wouldn't be around next year to give me advice", he states.

"Advice on what?"

"It's about my relationship, I'm worried about my future with Avery", he sighs, "I love her and I don't want to lose her."


"How can I give you advice on that?"

"What to do? Our dreams are completely different, I might want to play on the Australian team one day and Avery wants to go to America to study, her family is there so I doubt she'll likely return here", he explains.

"Something will work out, if it comes down to having to choose then choose wisely so you may not regret it in the long term."

"Thanks, Felix will just tell me to suck it up, and if I choose to stay then let Avery go if she wants to go. I wouldn't let Avery give up her dreams for me and I know she wouldn't want me giving up mine for her."

"Then you two should really talk about this early if you want long-distance to work."

"I can't lose her", he shakes his head.

"The next best thing is to apply for a scholarship in the United States, there are lots of universities that have soccer teams, I'm sure you will be successful", I assure him.

"That's if my parents even agree to let me go, they already paying for my college."

"Scholarships do come with benefits, you can use the money they save to travel to the United States and get a student visa to study there", I explain.

"I'll have to start applying soon then, I'll surprise Avery, for now, I'll ask her what universities she's interested in so she doesn't get suspicious."

"Good luck."

Later in the evening Avalon and Jesse offer to get firewood and ask me to tag along so they can give me a tour of the outside surrounding. I didn't want to go and watch Avalon makes lovey-dovey eyes at Jesse; she thinks no one sees her but I do.

I put on my sweater since it is a bit chilly, it's after 4 pm now and the girls inside will start on dinner next hour or so, we'll be having a movie night today.

Jess had an ax with him as we step out of the house and walk to the trees over the small field where there is a picnic table.

"We sometimes having lunch outside and that's where we do our camp out", she points to an open area on the top of the little hill.

"Walk faster, the sun will set soon", Jesse states.

We enter the woods, Jesse finds a tree and starts to chop a branch then chop it into smaller pieces, Avalon and I put it into a pile so it'll be easier to carry.

10 minutes later

The woods are pile up together and then they carry me further into the woods.

"There is a small cliff up ahead we dive off from", Jesse informs me.

"The lake is bigger than I thought."

"That's why we come early because when college and other high schoolers come to their respective lakehouses, it's nosy and more crowd which is on the other side of the lake, luckily on this side its private property", Avalon explains.

"They normally come to your party?"


"The property ends by the cliff so we technically share the cliff", Jesse adds.

"I see."

The cliff comes into view a few minutes later and I get a good view of everything, wow.

"It is amazing, I like coming here to watch the sunset", Avalon says.

"Yeah, I love the view."

"Let's go, we're expecting rain soon", Jesse looks up at the sky.

The dark clouds are starting to fill the sky although there isn't any near the sun yet.

We collect the woods and return to the house, "you got a missed call Bryce", Felix throws me my phone.

It's a missed call from my parents, they probably arrive at their hotel.

I go upstairs to my room and call back mom.

"Bryce, have you arrive safely?" Mom asks when she answers.

"I should be asking you that", I chuckle.

"We just settle in our room, the view is amazing, you should see it Bryce", she says.

"I'll see it on Wednesday, where's Abby?"

"Your father took her outside, we are lucky to be staying in a hut that's literally on the beach."

"I'll see you Wednesday, I'm alright for now and the house is amazing."

"That's good, do you want to talk to Abby?"

"Maybe tomorrow, I should go help out my friends."

"Sure, bye, love you."

"Love you too."

I hang up.

I already unpack my bag so I go next to the window and watch out to the lake, I can see a few houses on the other side of the lake.

"We are going to kick around a ball in the back, do you want to come?" Luciano opens my door.


The hot tub and pool are both inside the house, but the pool is technically outside just completely cover and protected by glass.

"Isn't it going to rain?" I frown.

"No, I don't think-"

I hear the rain starts to fall.

He sighs and I chuckle.


Short chapter I know, but tomorrow I promise a longer chapter.

The Tomboy And The Captain (#wattys2021)Where stories live. Discover now