4. Interrogation

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"Are you sure it's her and not one of her illusions?" Nat asked Tony

"We literally carried her here. If you want to check, feel free to go in." Tony looked at Nat irritatingly.

"So how old is she?" Steve knows that you're probably not 25 years old.

"Records show that she's only 17 years old." Tony had done a background check on you as soon as he put you in the cell.

"She doesn't know that we were keeping an eye on her the past 2 days. What are you going to do about her?" Nat crossed her arms as she looked at Tony.

"The usual."

"We can't keep adding people to the team." Steve strongly opposed the idea.

"She's only 17. It's either she joins us, or she lands herself in jail." Tony stepped even closer to Steve. 


You opened your eyes to see yourself stuck in a cell, sighing knowing you failed your mission. If you ever get back to Hydra... you shake your head to stop thinking, you don't even want to know.

You leaned against the glass wondering why each part of your life is so confined. You can't even be free to do anything. All your actions were dictated.

You heard someone knocking on the glass and lifted your head to see Nat sitting opposite you.

"Why were you stealing our data?" Nat started her interrogation process. You stare at her not knowing whether to reply or not. There's still a slim chance for you to return to Hydra, even though you may be sent straight to the punishment room.

"Were you sent by Hydra?" Nat asked the next question. Your eyes twitched a little. You tried to play it off by looking everywhere.

"How did you get into Hydra?" Nat kept on asking questions, but you remained silent.

"How long have you been with Hydra?" Nat kept staring at you.

Hydra, Hydra, Hydra... You couldn't stand it anymore. "Stop asking questions! I'm not going to answer them!" You banged the glass as you raised your voice.

She nodded slightly and left the room. You were well aware you let yourself out of the bag the moment you reacted.

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