6. Training

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You immediately ran up and picked the room furthest from the stairs. You took a deep breath before opening the door. The room is huge, you don't even know where to put your eyes at. The cell you had in Hydra was half of this size, possibly even smaller. You walked around seeing all the furniture you never had before. You sat at the edge of your bed; it was so soft that you jumped right up, thinking you were going to sink in. This was unlike Hydra, whose bed was nothing more than a piece of metal.

Somehow, you were unable to sleep at night. Each time you turn, you jolt yourself awake thinking you were going to fall off. The bed in Hydra was really small, about the size of your body. There wasn't much space to toss and turn. You can't seem to relax so you take your blanket, and head down to the lounge sofa. You take a look at the time, and it was already 2:21am. You tuck your knees to your chest and sat at the sofa for a while longer before going to sleep.

Suddenly, someone pulled the blanket off and you took a deep breath as you sat up. When you saw that it was Nat, you released your breath.

"It's still so early." You grumbled as you ruffled your hair.

"Get used to it. You're taking space here. Come on. You're training with me." Nat took your arm and dragged you to the training room.

*Earlier before you're awake*

Steve woke up early and was sitting in the lounge reading his newspaper.

"Why is she sleeping here? I thought she was in her room?" Nat questioned Steve who was in the same room.

"I don't know. She was already here when I came." Steve not taking his eyes off his newspaper.

"I better wake her up before people start coming down."

*Current time*

"Show me what you can do." Nat crossed her arms as she turned and faced you.

You were still grudgy from being woken up so early. You started by punching and elbowing Nat, but none of the shots landed. She played with you for a while before pinning you to the floor. You couldn't stand it any longer, so you snapped your fingers, creating multiple versions of you surrounding Nat.

"Now that's not fair." Nat darted her eyes around.

You didn't want to say your weakness. In truth, the illusions are not very helpful. They don't last very long and do not have a physical form. They can pass through objects. But they are mainly there to distract your enemy.

However, Nat had another trick up her sleeves. She took out her taser disk and threw it on the ground. You didn't understand what she was doing until you felt waves of electricity surging through your body, as if your body was on fire. You dropped to your knees in pain, but managing to stay awake. All your illusions disappeared. You clutched your chest as you tried to maintain consciousness and steady your breathing.

"How are you?" Nat comes down to you.

"How are you? What the hell? Those freaking hurt!" You looked at her while still panting heavily between your words.

"I meant how are you still standing. I don't think anyone has remained conscious after getting hit by that." She helped you up on your feet.

"Getting shocked comes as a package." You felt your body ache so badly. You can't even walk properly without getting help from Nat. She puts you on the sofa and you grunted softly, still rubbing your sore spot.

"What's wrong with her?" Wanda was watching a movie in the lounge. This sight was entirely new to Wanda. Training doesn't usually end with someone getting hurt.

"I used my taser disk on her." Nat sat down next to you. You closed your eyes showing your displeasure against her action. You could still feel your muscle spasms. The taser took a long time to wear off. You didn't want to stay here any longer, so you stood up to go back to your room.

"Where are you going?" Nat asked as you stood up.

"To my room." You said coldly.

"Can you manage?"

You didn't answer her and just continued making your way to your room, using the wall for assistance. You felt someone lifted your arm as you walked.

Nat came to help you. She wrapped your arm around her neck and brought you back to your room.

"I told you I can manage." You said irritatingly.

"You didn't say anything."

You looked at her not understanding her actions. Wouldn't someone leave you alone if you remained quiet? Furthermore, both of you are not on the best of terms.

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