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"You know, I'm getting really tired of doing this shit in the middle of the night."

The five of them were currently sneaking into the school's office in the dead of night, where the only source of light came from the waning moon. They hoped to comb through hours of footage from the day of the incident to find any footage of Kieran and Clementine's mother together at all. They were trying to compile evidence to hand to the police, but it was certainly easier said than done. They had virtually next to nothing but the photo, in which you could not even confirm if it was Keiran or not due to the fact that his face was hidden.

"I think it adds to the atmosphere," Ronan attempted to lighten the mood. "Really fits the scene."

"Take this seriously, baldie," Aaron scowls. "We're literally busting Clem's mum."

"Don't call her my mum," Clementine grimaced.

Truthfully, Clementine felt quite numb about the situation. It hadn't quite hit her that they were going after her own mother. She waited for the day she would break down and burst into tears, yet she felt more and more numb as each day passed in its own surreal way. Maybe she had emotionally cut off her mother a long time ago. Whatever it was, it was suppressing her emotions deep within her, to the point where she was unsure of what emotions she should have been feeling.

"Sorry," Aaron winced. "Bloody hell, mate, do you wanna fucking go any slower? I'm freezing my arse off out here."

Levi shot him a furious glare as he jimmied a twisted piece of metal into the lock of the office window, fingers shaking with nervousness.

"Yeah well, you're not the only one," he scowled. "I'm fucking freezing too, do you wanna do this instead?"

Levi was especially grumpy when being woken up too early, a stark difference from his normal sunny personality.

Aaron grimaced, waving at him to continue.

"Someone's on his period," he whispered to Clementine.

"I'm on my period," she raised an eyebrow.

"Kidding," he cheesed at her, patting her shoulder. "Men are just sensitive in general."

"I've got my eyes on you," Clementine frowned jokingly.

Aaron swung to Elijah, eyes wide with mock drama.

"You hear that, Elijah? Your girlfriend's got eyes for me," he gasped. "Aren't you just seething with jealousy?"

"I'm gonna knock you out if you don't shut up," Elijah grumbled from where he was standing next to Levi.

"I've been lying to you this whole time," Clementine placed a hand on her forehead, falling into Aaron. "I've been having an affair with your best friend!"

"An especially passionate one," Aaron nodded emphatically. "Filled with vigorous, sweaty sex!"

"The sweatiest!" Clementine piped up.

Elijah gave them both a deadpan look as they dissolved into giggles.

Levi's fingers made nimble work of the window lock, his tongue peeking out his mouth as he screwed his face in concentration. The scar running through his face wrinkled with the movement. The soft moonlight only highlighted the goosebumps littering his porcelain skin, the faint shiver that occasionally passed through his wiry body. With a click, he slipped the metal out of the lock and began pushing the window up.

"Funny how the school thinks that they're elegant and traditional because the buildings are old," Ronan smirked. "Only makes it easier for us to break in."

THE ARISTOCRATS #1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें