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Clementine gave Elijah a grateful smile over Levi's shoulders as she hugged him close to her. His wiry frame wrapped around her, his blonde curls tickling her cheek. He was practically vibrating with happiness.

The four students sat in Elijah's room, after finishing all their lessons for the day. He had practically ambushed the Aristocrats, forcing them to sit down and apologise to Clementine. She had profusely apologised in return, delighted that she was back on speaking terms with them. Levi and Ronan had folded immediately, while Aaron had taken some time. She wasn't surprised, he had always been more stubborn.

"Thank fuck," Ronan grunted. "It was getting real boring ignoring you."

He ran a rough hand over his buzz cut, before clapping her shoulder with it. She almost stumbled with the sheer strength of his hand.

"Thanks?" She snorted.

Aaron stood next to Elijah, his pale arms crossed. He still looked miffed, his nose turned up stubbornly. He was the last to come around.

"Aaron," she sighed, unable to stop the amused smile spreading across her face. "I said I was sorry."

"And?" He prompted further.

"And I'm an asshole?"


"And what?" She huffed, her hands on her hips as she glared at him.

"You're so shit at apologies," he rolled his eyes, enveloping her into a hug.

His hand ruffled her hair and she cried out in protest, smoothing the golden strands back down.

Clementine smiled until her cheeks ached.

"So now that we're all caught up, do you wanna maybe tell her what was on Ronan's phone?" Levi spoke up.

"Shit, yeah." Aaron said uneasily, swapping a look with Elijah, whose expression had darkened considerably.

"I thought Ronan's phone broke?" She asked, staring at the sleek, new phone Ronan held.

"iCloud, my friend," he grinned, crossing his arms.

"You had me sneak into my mums office to steal your phone when you could've just checked your iCloud?" Clementine glared at him, tilting her head.

"There's other stuff on my phone," he said defensively. "I didn't know it'd be fucking smashed."

"Give it here." Elijah caught the phone with a lazy hand from where he sat on his bed.

He gave her a wary look, hesitating.

"You sure you really want to know?"

Clementine's stomach twisted nervously, but she nodded. She felt like she was constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Elijah sighed, unlocking the phone. His slim fingers swiped at the phone.

He paused, his eyes flickering to her.

"Just show me," she muttered, anxiety clawing at her.

Elijah handed her the phone, his fingertips brushing over hers for a few seconds.

Clementine went silent as she stared at the photo on Ronan's new phone. She could suddenly hear her heartbeat in her eyes. Her throat went dry.

"What?" She murmured breathlessly, eyes locked on the photo.

It was a photo of her mother in her office, hair mussed and makeup smudged. She was pulling her shirt over her head. It had been taken from what looked like the rose bushes outside her office.

"You guys took a photo of my mother getting dressed?" Clementine curled her lip.

"No," Aaron said, pointing at the corner of the screen. "Look at that."

It was Kieran. Kieran zipping up his fly as he talked to Clementine's mother.

Her heart pounded and her palm went slick with sweat.

"I-I don't understand?" She looked up at the four of them, before going back down to the photo.

"I'm sorry but-" Levi started to say.

"This is photoshopped right?" Clementine interrupted.

"No," Elijah shook his head, retrieving the phone from her shaking hands.

"What the fuck was that?" she demanded in a thick voice. "What was that?"

"Your mums been sleeping with Kieran," Ronan replied, looking uneasy as he rubbed a hand over his buzzcut.

She eyed him in disbelief, shaking her head slowly.

"So you're saying that my mother slept with a student," she said, her tone bordering on hysterical.

They didn't say anything, casting her sympathetic looks.

"What the fuck?" She said.

Clementine imagined her mother sleeping with Kieran of all people. Cheating on her father with someone her age. No, someone younger. Kieran was younger than her. Her stomach turned, and she felt a wave of nausea wash over her.

She jumped as strong hands lifted her up.

"Come, I'll take you somewhere else."

Elijah's voice was calm, and she pushed his hands away.

She tried to ignored the flash of hurt in his eyes. She could barely breathe, her legs felt like jelly.

"Sorry, I need to-I need to just think." She ducked her head down, walking out of the room.

Clementine felt hollow, ringing with shock. That familiar sense of disgust nipped at her ankles.

The photo had to be fake, right?

aghhhh extremely short chapter sorry didn't feel motivated to write this chapter at all :((

THE ARISTOCRATS #1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora