𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟮

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The Offer

You sat behind Hange on her horse, feeling a bit bored out of your mind. You huffed your cheeks, "Where are we going exactly?" You questioned, tilting your head so you could see Hange's face. The brown haired woman laughed, "We are heading north to Trost, it's up ahead of us." You hummed at her explanation.

"Ahead of us?... Some fun wouldn't harm."

You carefully put your hands over Hange's shoulders and stood up, "Eh, what are you doing?" Hange asked you.

"Oi brat, you will fall down." Levi said, not looking at you.

"I will meet you there. Bye for now."

With that, you jumped up and started to run on the rooftops with a smirk on your face. The scouts stared at your disappearing figure with shock, they have never seen anyone run or jump this fast without a gear. For them, you were powerful, stronger then anything they have seen. If you're capable of killing a titan with a mere punch, then what else can you do?

"She is an abnormal woman." Erwin spoke up, his blue eyes wide on shock.

"Tsk, show off..." Levi mumbled, trying to deny the fact that he was also surprised to see such speed with no gear with you.

Time Skip:-
You casually stood in front of a giant wall that looked like 40 or 50 meters height, "Why is everything huge here?" You thought, sweatdropping a bit. Just when you were about to jump up, Levi landed beside you, "Don't go dashing forward by yourself brat." He said with his eyebrows frowned. You shook your head and chuckled, "Don't worry about me, Levi san. I will be fine." He just tsk-ed and blasted ropes from his gear to go up the wall.

"Heh, we could've teleported there." You mumbled, clapping your hands together to teleported up the wall as well. When you got there, Levi didn't make it up just yet which made you smirk. You looked down at the city and the only thought that crossed your mind was, "What a mess." Titans were moving here and there, buildings were destroyed, and not to mention the dead bodies thrown around the city. For once, you felt sorry for them, but you remembered that such a thing was also happening in Japan, so there wasn't any difference. People dying here and there.

You heard a slight thump behind you and footsteps dashing toward you. You were suddenly yanked down by Levi who looked pissed off since you were a bit taller then him thanks to your heels, "How?" He spat, a dark shadow was over his face. However, you were unfazed by this and just smiled, "Let's keep the explanation for later, there's people who need help." You said and pulled his hand away from your uniform. You both stood by the average of the wall, seeing two titans making their way toward two boys.

"You left I'm right, brat." Levi ordered and launched toward the titan. You shrugged your shoulders and teleported behind one of the titans, preparing to kick it to the titan. Just as Levi sliced the titan's nape, you kicked the other, making its neck to explode. You landed down in front of the boys while Levi landed on the titan. You could see a blond boy that looked cute holding a passing out boy. The blond boy kept on staring at you, "W-White hair?" He thought as a black haired girl landed beside him.

"Oi, you brats." Levi got their attention, "What's going here?"


"Ne ne, I help them and they cage me. How ungrateful."

You thought as you sat in the cell. To say the truth, you just wanted to play along. You can just teleport out of the cell or even preventing them from even touching you with your Infinity, but you wanted to shock them all. They seem unaware of the jujutsu strongest sorcerer. A door opened and set of footsteps were coming down the staircase. You could see both Erwin and Levi which made you smirk, "I see you finally decided to explain yourself." You mockingly said. Erwin pulled a chair and sat down while Levi leaned against the wall, "I would like to ask some question and according to your answer, we will find a way to get you out." He told you which made you hum.

"Ask right away."

"We already know each other's names, so let's get to the main point."

You nodded your head in agreement, "Alright, how did you manage to run that fast and kill titans with just physical strength?" At his question, a big smirk formed on your face, "Simple question, because I'm the strongest." Your confident answer made Levi's eyes twitch slightly. Erwin gave you a questioning look, "What do you have that makes you the strongest?" He asked again and you shook your head, "The right question is, what don't you have to be the strongest? I'm more powerful than you can ever think, I can go beyond the Limitless." You simply stated while waving your index finger.

"Oi, what's with the blindfold? Are you blind?" Levi asked, glaring at you while you kept your smug smirk, "Of course not. Let's just say that I'm way beautiful for your eyes to handle." Levi go angry and approached you, "Answer my question properly or else."

"Or else what? You'll hit me? I dare you." You confidently said, now standing in front of him behind the bars. Erwin cleared his throat to ease the tension, "Levi, please step back." At his command, Levi stepped back and went back to his previous position, "Now miss Y/N, it's the first time I see someone with your appearance. Are you perhaps an outsider?" He asked again and you thought for a while.

"I actually don't understand this place, all I know is that I woke up in an alleyway. And to answer your question, I'm from Tokyo."

"Where's that?" He gave you a puzzled look. You sighed and explained what happened to you, "So this Tokyo place doesn't have titans at all?" Erwin asked you with hope in his eyes while Levi looked intrested, "Yeah, we don't have titans, but we have curses."

"Curses?" They both asked in unison.

"Creatures that comes from the humans' negative feelings and they are pretty dangerous like the titans. Although this place is filled with negative energy, I didn't spot any curse at all."

After you finished explaining, both males still didn't understand you yet. What else were you going to explain? This is the simplest explanation, even Yuji can understand this. Erwin decided to ignore his confusion and ask you again, "I have an offer to you."

"Now that's interesting, I'm all ears."

Erwin stood up and approached your cell, "Help us to exterminate titans and I assure you that I will get you out of here and help you return to your home." Saying that, he offered his hand for a handshake.

You started to think about this for a bit. If you were going to be stuck here, you should find something to entertain yourself until you go back home. You smirked and held his hand, "You got yourself a deal. Also, you better keep my Mochi bag safe." Erwin smiled in gratitude while Levi rolled his eyes.

"I'm glad I told Nanami to watch over Yuji."

𝐇𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲'𝐬 𝐇𝐨𝐩𝐞 [ON HOLD UNTIL THE FINAL PART]Where stories live. Discover now