When your insecure about your weight.

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Diavolo: He noticed you stopped eating for a while so he got concerned until one day he found you staring at yourself in the mirror body shaming yourself so he picked you up from behind and started kissing your neck and say that your body is beautiful.

Barbatos: He noticed right away so he made your favorite deserts and told you that your body is perfect just the way it is.

Simeon: When Simeon noticed you were body shaming yourself about your weight he picked and made your favorite deserts with you and told you your body is amazing and that your weight doesn't matter since your perfect just the way you are.

Solomon: When he noticed that you were insecure about your weight he made Simeon to make your favorite things after asking nicely to make you happy and told you that your weight doesn't matter and that your body is perfect.

Lucifer: When he noticed that you were judging your weight he picked you up gave you lots of kisses on your face after he got somewhere private of course and told you your body is perfect and that you should not worry about your weight.

Mammon: He noticed you weren't eating and one night he found you staring at yourself in the mirror judging yourself so he went in and hugged you and whisper to you that your body is pretty and weight doesn't matter.

Leviathan: When Levi saw you judging your wait he was a little hesitant at first but hugged you and said that your body is perfect just the way it is and weight doesn't matter.

Satan: When Satan saw you judging yourself in the mirror he immediately hugged you and said your body is amazing and that weight doesn't matter.

Asmodeus: When Asmo saw you judging yourself in the mirror he immediately had you pinned to the way and said..."I'll make you feel that your body is perfect~"...Soooo yeahhh.

Beelzebub: When he saw you judging yourself about your weight in the mirror he literally picked you up and took you to the kitchen and got a lot of your favorite foods and said that your body is perfect and your weight is perfect.

Belphie: When Belphie saw you judging yourself about your weight he pulled you into a hug and said that you weight is fine and that your body is perfect.
:) It's true your weight is perfect it doesn't matter on what other's say.

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